has anyone tried tuna in a crab pot? I don't mean tinned tuna but bonito/skipjack tuna frames.
If so how did it go?
cheers steve
has anyone tried tuna in a crab pot? I don't mean tinned tuna but bonito/skipjack tuna frames.
If so how did it go?
cheers steve
mate have used banito it worked really well for both sandies and muddies
cheers rosco
thanks rosco I thought it might due to the oil content.
cheers steve
Bonito is one of my favourite baits for crabbing. Any tuna type fish is good, if you are using whole fish just score them each side to the backbone. Mackerel frames also go very well.
Cheers, Clutter
thanks clutter,
I will put it to the test next weekend will put some out with mullet as well & compare.
cheers steve
Excellent for crab bait mate..
The ONLY fish I have found terrible was catfish... Pull pots in with whole dead catfish, not crabs while the other pots in the line with fish frames / other old fish demolished and crabs gallore (albeit 90% female / undersize)
Works well!
There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences. P.J. O'Rourke
thanks braddles yeah i've tried catfish before they were no good
can't get much better proof then that supertinny hahaha i hope i get a few that size next week thats a stonka
cheers steve
hmmm, I find catfish to be very good crab bait, but yes, if I have them mac frames and tuna are by far the best.
yeah Scott the crabs eat anything up there dont they? we've got fussy crabs down here too many pots to choose from.
cheers steve
omg supertinny, that jumble of wire catches crabs? is that a pot? lol just joking well done
I used to use catfish for crab bait with very good sucess....... haven't done it for a while though
I have used fillets of tuna without much success. I usually dump head and frame as takes up too much room in freezer. I may have to keep a few heads in the future.
Last summer my best performer was small mouth nani frames.
There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences. P.J. O'Rourke