Plenty going on at the moment, so Im curious as to what the viewers and occasional visitors on this site want in a barra thread.
Is it general info on barra fishing, with banter
Is it open discussion on barra fishing, with all ideas and view points taken on board?
Political or personal opinions excepted
Originally Posted by
Steve B
Let's just stay focussed on the main game - catching barra and helping others by sharing information!
Thats what I want too Pete....It has become obvious now from a few replies, that the visitors and readers dont want to sift through the chit chat between the big group of mates on here to find the good info, and thats a fair enough call.
...What I am trying to say, I dont want any of us to think we are better than the day we first posted and became involved. I want the info to keep rolling as weird or basic or technical as you want....bring it all on and let the individual decide what they chose to use, beleive or do.
My soapbox has now collapsed