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Thread: What Do You Want In A New Thread On Barra?

  1. #16

    Re: What Do You Want In A New Thread On Barra?

    Good thread Brian,

    I love all the barra chit chat and light hearted banter as it is generally quite amusing, even if it does go on a bit. I also love to see pics of barra captures and read barra reports, especially informative and well-written ones like Matt Fraser's Mondy trip this week.

    Threads about lure modification, fishing techniques, observations about the environment and barra behaviour are equally enjoyed.

    What pisses me off are personal attacks, secret agendas, clicky little groups and political undertones - generally because I don't understand the who, where and why behind them.

    Kyle and I have only been barra fishing for a few short years and we love it. We also enjoy this forum and the many people we have met through it. It has been directly responsible for many of our barra successes....

    Let's just stay focussed on the main game - catching barra and helping others by sharing information!



  2. #17

    Re: What Do You Want In A New Thread On Barra?

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter4 View Post
    Good thread Brian,

    I love all the barra chit chat and light hearted banter as it is generally quite amusing, even if it does go on a bit. I also love to see pics of baara captures and read barra reports, especially informative and well-written ones like Matt Fraser's Mondy trip this week.

    Threads about lure modification, fishing tecniques, observations about the environment and barra behaviour are equally enjoyed.

    What pisses me off are personal attacks, secret agendas, clicky little groups and political undertones - generally because I don't understand the who, where and why behind them.

    Kyle and I have only been barra fishing for a few short years and we love it. We also enjoy this forum and the many people we have met through it. It has been directly responsible for many of our barra successes....

    Let's just stay focussed on the main game - catching barra and helping others by sharing information!


    Good reply Pete agree totally......Generally by the time I look at other people's posts, there is always something in those posts that I agree with and usually don't reply because to me it's repeating what has already been said.....I do like your thinking, Good stuff.....Whitto
    Good Mates....Good Food.....Good Fishing....Priceless

  3. #18

    Re: What Do You Want In A New Thread On Barra?


    Let's just stay focussed on the main game - catching barra and helping others by sharing information!



    Thats what I want too Pete....It has become obvious now from a few replies, that the visitors and readers dont want to sift through the chit chat between the big group of mates on here to find the good info, and thats a fair enough call.

    So possibly limit the chit chat that we all do to a couple of threads, and leave the info threads and the report threads to just I like when the report threads turn into info sharing too.

    Mavbey we could take notice when a things start getting of track and becoming chit chat, and move it to another post, ie ben hur, and avoid the chit chat in the informative threads. that will help the people who want to find info which is really the main purpose of this section. I also agree with 2manylures, we should and do) encourage the posts from cod, bass and all freshies a LOT of tips and techniques will be surprisingly similar and beneficial to the barra scene. I love the reports from other species., bring them on...and the info with it. you will only get a positive response I reckon.

    What NAGG said about the bloke getting a reply asking about lures...I too thought it was strange there was no reply, I felt bad not doing it myself too, but I dont usually post on SW.I dont want to see that here or at SW either..both are top sites chockers with great info.

    I think that these are important questions for a 'starter' to post....I bet everyone was nervous as buggery the first time they pressed the 'submit new thread' button..(i still do)...but its really important to answer the question with as honest and genuine reply...then they feel welcome and will begin to learn more, interact more...and they may have a wealth to share about all species and stuff...but if no one answers, they go away..and lost!! Gone could be one of the best anglers out there because no one thought it was worth giving them some basic info...What I am trying to say, I dont want any of us to think we are better than the day we first posted and became involved. I want the info to keep rolling as weird or basic or technical as you want....bring it all on and let the individual decide what they chose to use, beleive or do.

    My soapbox has now collapsed


  4. #19

    Re: What Do You Want In A New Thread On Barra?

    Back some time ago ...... I put up a thread called "Barra Masterclass" with the idea of this type of thing - From memory it got a bit of a run & then we moved on - Maybe this is something that we could resurrect & have as a sticky ( start again though).

    Straight up .... we have the members here that ensures a strong foundation & good flow of knowledge or experiences. If differences are kept in check (IMHO ) people will share and we will all benefit.

    To answer Dicks question

    I just want to see members post their trip reports ( specific information can always be discussed - questions asked)

    And a barra discussion thread ...... Its easy enough to add a sub heading in the title. .... Like

    BARRA MASTERCLASS ( slick rigs)
    BARRA MASTERCLASS ( water flow)
    BARRA MASTERCLASS ( Fishing sunken creek beds)

    Its easy enough to do & will make it easy to follow each subject

    Good brain storming


    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  5. #20

    Re: What Do You Want In A New Thread On Barra?

    Just a possiblity, if someone (That does not mean me) could just cut and paste some of the responses that are pertinent to special threads, then a start could be achieved and then added to.

    Only a thought, seems to be lot of info available, but like what has been said, it is currently a bit spread out numerous threads. The newbies and others just what to be able to get to the guts of the matter a bit easier.


    Fish for the future, enjoy the present but think of your children.

  6. #21

    Re: What Do You Want In A New Thread On Barra?,4883.0.html#

    Thar she blows.

    For those who dont know, Im "out-wide" over there, hang over from my off shore snapper bashin days.

  7. #22

    Re: What Do You Want In A New Thread On Barra?

    [quote=2manylures;1085225]You aren't bored are you Brian?

  8. #23

    Re: What Do You Want In A New Thread On Barra?

    Bored 2ML, nah, not me mate lol.

    Intereseting, isnt it?
    Personally I enjoy the reports, warts and all, Matt Frasers at the moment is a perfect example, a tuff trip, but a great post.

    Heres a thought, open up your user profile, and go back and check your very first posts, and re-acquaint your self with why you love barra fishing so much.
    Is it the fishing, the camping, the chase, the capture, the near miss, the big fish?
    Look at what you knew then, wide eyed and innocent, look at what you know now, thank those who provided the head start so freely, and help others as you were helped.
    Most of all, remember, ITS ONLY FISHING!

  9. #24

    Thumbs up Re: What Do You Want In A New Thread On Barra?

    Quote Originally Posted by BR65 View Post
    Plenty going on at the moment, so Im curious as to what the viewers and occasional visitors on this site want in a barra thread.

    Is it general info on barra fishing, with banter

    Is it open discussion on barra fishing, with all ideas and view points taken on board? Political or personal opinions excepted

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

    Let's just stay focussed on the main game - catching barra and helping others by sharing information!



    Thats what I want too Pete....It has become obvious now from a few replies, that the visitors and readers dont want to sift through the chit chat between the big group of mates on here to find the good info, and thats a fair enough call.

    ...What I am trying to say, I dont want any of us to think we are better than the day we first posted and became involved. I want the info to keep rolling as weird or basic or technical as you want....bring it all on and let the individual decide what they chose to use, beleive or do.

    My soapbox has now collapsed

    Quote Originally Posted by BR65 View Post
    Bored 2ML, nah, not me mate lol.

    Intereseting, isnt it?
    Personally I enjoy the reports, warts and all, Matt Frasers at the moment is a perfect example, a tuff trip, but a great post.

    Heres a thought,
    Look at what you knew then, wide eyed and innocent, look at what you know now, thank those who provided the head start so freely, and help others as you were helped.
    Most of all, remember, ITS ONLY FISHING!
    Nothing to add here

    Interesting and informative information designed and intended to share learning, experiences, or theories with a view to enhancing the experience of Barra fishing or dreaming; with no political or personal agenda.

    Well done Bro who would have thought ?
    A thread about nothing but what to put in a thread.

    Most of my Money is spent on Booze and Fishin.
    The Rest is just Wasted!
    To The Shed.............

  10. #25

    Re: What Do You Want In A New Thread On Barra?

    The beauty of barra fishing is many-fold.

    Essentially it is:

    Escapism - from work, life stresses, everyday goings on.

    Optimism - challenging oneself to hopefully a) catch a barra and b) catch a bigger barra than you have before; and finally

    Aussie mateship - where else can you get good fellas and gals - all buddies - to share ideas and experiences collectively around a camp fire without pressure to perform, but yet with passion as hot as the fire we encircle.

    Competitive/ambitious - maybe at times. Kindred - most definitely.
    Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"

  11. #26

    Re: What Do You Want In A New Thread On Barra?

    Quote Originally Posted by darylive View Post
    Nothing to add here

    Interesting and informative information designed and intended to share learning, experiences, or theories with a view to enhancing the experience of Barra fishing or dreaming; with no political or personal agenda.

    Well done Bro who would have thought ?
    A thread about nothing but what to put in a thread.

    A Seinfeld post almost D???

  12. #27

    Re: What Do You Want In A New Thread On Barra?

    Quote Originally Posted by BR65 View Post
    A Seinfeld post almost D???
    A thread about nothing

    Hey brother ....... This is as good a thread that has been put up. You would think that everyone that reads it would take a step back & rethink what they are on here for
    I guess like life , You can fall off the rails or things can get twisted ......... Maybe this is the "realignment" that we needed

    Good stuff

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  13. #28

    Re: What Do You Want In A New Thread On Barra?

    Quote Originally Posted by 2manylures View Post
    You aren't bored are you Brian?

    Just ask him how many hours it was since his last barra session
    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  14. #29

    Re: What Do You Want In A New Thread On Barra?

    Hey guys,

    I think this thread in a way is long overdue. I used to frequent this site quite a lot, to the point where it was almost obsessive. The reason for this was I was wanting to learn of others as the information one could gain on here was almost priceless, and also give my "two bobs" worth of limited experience to help others (possibly).

    Since then however, the information is harder to find throughout the threads which start of with great intentions, but get lost in transit thoughout the posts.

    Maybe in the freshwater section, the threads/posts should be about the topic intended and keep banter and stories about weekend footy etc etc to the freshwater reports, where people from my experience go to read about the day to day happenings of barra fishing and general bits and pieces of other related topiccs. I for one do like the banter/joking/funny stories that come through as it does make me genuinely laugh at times. But that is when it is in its right place.

    The answer is not simple, but in a way I think the mods could help a little to improve the way in which the site leads in to the future, maybe as bit more of a guidance to seperate what has been and could be improved on for a great piece of information building regarding the barra scene

    Then, the site might retain the old and capture the new Ausfish members and have a higher input level beneficial to all.

    I like the idea Cammy had with breaking the areas up, but to improve on how that is done, I am really unsure. Once it is broken down it would be something like:

    Soft plastics
    Modifications etc etc

    The list is endless, and that is just for lures. It could get quite large, but maybe easier for users in the long run to find information about intended equipment/tools?

    This is only my opinion, and IN NO WAY intended to upset anyone, only to hopefully help an existing site improve even more in the future.


  15. #30

    Thumbs up Re: What Do You Want In A New Thread On Barra?

    Quote Originally Posted by BR65 View Post
    A Seinfeld post almost D???
    Xactly what I was thinking and like the TV series a success.

    Most of my Money is spent on Booze and Fishin.
    The Rest is just Wasted!
    To The Shed.............

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