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Thread: 20hp Outboards. Any Suggestions On What To Buy??

  1. #1

    20hp Outboards. Any Suggestions On What To Buy??

    Hi there,

    While my engine is currently in the shop getting a lookover, I thought I might see what you engines in the 20hp range you could reccomend and why.

    I am thinking of the 4stroke merc 20hp cause its got a nice sleek looking cover.

    Any suggestions are greatly welcome.

    Cheers Callum

  2. #2

    Re: 20hp Outboards. Any Suggestions On What To Buy??

    Well, while prettyfullness in a cowl is usually a deciding factor, I am sometimes swayed by reliability, and for that I would not go past a tohatsu ,

  3. #3

    Re: 20hp Outboards. Any Suggestions On What To Buy??

    tohatsu for me too, although not in a four stroke. If a four stroke is your thing, reckon hard to go past a yamaha. Nothing personal in that suggestion, just they seem the ducks guts to me.

  4. #4

    Re: 20hp Outboards. Any Suggestions On What To Buy??

    Gidday Callum,
    Mate, Is it for the boat you have now??
    If so I'd be looking for a 15 or so if you fish solo or two up.
    But for a 2 stroke you'd go a long way to better the Tohatsu.
    Cheers then
    I intend on living far so good

  5. #5

    Re: 20hp Outboards. Any Suggestions On What To Buy??

    I would get the new fuel injected 20hp 4 stroke from Yamaha. It looks the goods too.

  6. #6

    Re: 20hp Outboards. Any Suggestions On What To Buy??

    Quote Originally Posted by whatscracken View Post
    I would get the new fuel injected 20hp 4 stroke from Yamaha. It looks the goods too.
    When did Yamaha release a 20hp fuel injected 4 stroke??

    I cant seem to find one anyware

    The 20 HP Honda is a great engine, worthy of a look.

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  7. #7

    Re: 20hp Outboards. Any Suggestions On What To Buy??

    kind of reckon this is a flip the coin thing, almost any motor in that range is fine, I went for a Merc when I got mine (a few years ago now) only because of the gear shift on the throttle thing, don't think the motor is any better or worse than any other.

  8. #8

    Re: 20hp Outboards. Any Suggestions On What To Buy??

    Cheers fellas,

    Well thats given me a bit of food for thought. Still only early stages. Will definatly look into the tohatsu abit more.

    Thanks again.
    Cheers Callum

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member gr hilly's Avatar
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    Re: 20hp Outboards. Any Suggestions On What To Buy??

    i went for a merc my mate got one and started geting better fuel econs weve got identical boats,and a 5 yr factory wrnty

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