G'day fellow fisho's,
When looking for a good snapper spot using your sounder. They reckon you look for broken reef and gravel patches. So can anyone tell me how to recognise a gravel patch on your sounder?
G'day fellow fisho's,
When looking for a good snapper spot using your sounder. They reckon you look for broken reef and gravel patches. So can anyone tell me how to recognise a gravel patch on your sounder?
well on my colour sounder it shows up as red in the layer under the sea bottom.
find a sandy spot and it should be yellow,sound around where you know there is some coffee rock and look at the difference.
on a black and white sounder it will be black compares to light grey for sand.
gravel and coffee rock look the same but wire weed is normally a lot harder to find.you need a good flat day and you will most likely have to zoom into the bottom third of your screen.should be oange on colour and have slightly spikey appearance,this ground can often be the best for squire/parrot and sweety's but go for more structure when chasing big knobbies.
Why look for gravel? You should be looking for fish....
what depth smithy do you soft plastic fish for snapper?
Thanks Legsy, Smithy,
I will help recognise some good spots ... preferably around some good structures.
Snapper are best fished where reef meets sand or broken bottom as distinct from hard rock, sure you can catch them almost anywhere, but around/along the edges will yeild 10 times the amount of quality fish, some old timers used to drift with big leads along sand and wait untill they got a snag and then take a good landmark, and then fish that area.
look at your second echo!
it shows when you are over softer ground. often just the occasional fish will show on the sounder,
if bait fishing anchor at least 30 meters short of the hard stuff and fish floaters towards the harder stuff . the lighter the better and pay attention to your bait not spinning.
be there well before first light. They seem to go off as soon as light hits the water.
12lb line in blue also helps.
good luc