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Thread: Bundaberg Sea Jay owners

  1. #1

    Bundaberg Sea Jay owners

    Would anyone out there with a sea jay (around the 4.4m mark) that is located in/near Bundy be willing/able to take me for a quick run in it? I'm considering a new 4.4 escape sports at the moment and would love to be able get a quick run in one and a chat with the owner about the boat. I'm willing to fit around a planned fishing trip, or happy to help retrieve and clean the boat etc.

    edit - oops forgot the thanks. Thanks!

  2. #2

    Re: Bundaberg Sea Jay owners

    assuming you have a local dealer ??? whats wrong with them they broke or have two broken legs ? surely for a sale they would give you a run in one, even if it is not the configuration you want ??


  3. #3

    Re: Bundaberg Sea Jay owners

    They don't have one in stock at present - are waiting for one to be delivered shortly - apparently. Was also looking for a chat with an owner as a big reason for my post. Just a chin wag over what they like/dislike about the boat, motor, dealer, that sort of thing you can't really gain from someone paid to sell you the boat.

  4. #4

    Re: Bundaberg Sea Jay owners

    I was looking at the escape sports model too . it seems to be a re configured viper? with a much lesser price tag of around 15-18k?

  5. #5

    Re: Bundaberg Sea Jay owners

    Quote Originally Posted by Razgo- View Post
    I was looking at the escape sports model too . it seems to be a re configured viper? with a much lesser price tag of around 15-18k?
    The Escape Hull and the Viper hull are very different.
    The Viper is based off a V nose punt style with a slight reverse chine and a full pod. Lower sides and is a "sheltered" water boat. Dams, rivers esturies. Very stable and quite good through the chop.

    The Escape sports in a 4.55 is a "Sure Trac" hull so a deeper V, reverse chine, open transom and higher sides. Better in rougher waters.

  6. #6

    Re: Bundaberg Sea Jay owners

    Thanks for the clarification bennyboy. I like the higher sides then

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