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Thread: Petition to BAN 4wd in school zones and shopping precincts!

  1. #16

    Re: Petition to BAN 4wd in school zones and shopping precincts!

    maybe a ploy to avert our attention away from other fresh polices, such as the new mary river scheme(how long till the 1000+ clauses are watered down to hmm.....for the sake of argument....3....or the recent interest rate hike... im sure there are more...
    (of late im becoming more cynical...does that mean im getting older,smarter..or aware?!?!)

  2. #17
    Ausfish Platinum Member gr hilly's Avatar
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    Re: Petition to BAN 4wd in school zones and shopping precincts!

    fiona simpson was so correct to do what she did thats her job glynn hill

  3. #18

    Re: Petition to BAN 4wd in school zones and shopping precincts!

    Maybe we should get a petition banning stupid ideas by stupid people and get it tabled??

    Look on the bright side. At least if 4X4's and work vans are banned then there will be no more speed camera's around schools would there. Open slather then on the speeding eh.

    So a Falcon or Commodore wagon is OK but a Subaru Outback is bad.
    So a Ford Territory may or may not be allowed pending badge inspection to see if it's rear wheel drive or all wheel drive.
    Makes perfect sense to me to have special number plates to make the distinction I reckon .
    Maybe bung stickers on the bullbar like the fighter pilot aces have on the planes during the wars telling people just how many kids, cow's, roo's, other cars, shopping trolly's and black cats they've run over. Just a thought

    Lucky I haven't sold Wally yet. I might need him again

    Just another question...are kids given road safety lessons anymore?? You know...look left, look right, look left again, listen then cross type stuff

    Personally I'd like to see all vehicles banned from school zones.
    Most of those mum's are nuts.
    I intend on living far so good

  4. #19

    Re: Petition to BAN 4wd in school zones and shopping precincts!

    Why stop at 4wds, what about those vehicles about 6 times as big as a landcruiser and with 100x as bad rear vision that I see in school zones every day, can't remember what they are called but they hold about 60 kids and have stickers saying 'Veolia' on the side of them.

  5. #20

    Re: Petition to BAN 4wd in school zones and shopping precincts!

    I believe a ford falcon actually uses more road space ( longer and slightly wider) than a 100 series landcruiser!!!! And how come van drivers never get picked on???

    Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!

  6. #21

    Re: Petition to BAN 4wd in school zones and shopping precincts!

    i think the main problem people have with 4WD is that the chassis rails are higher than normal cars, which is a big problem for those in normal cars, you can imagine that in a t bone crash the higher chassis rails spear through the sides of cars. which is bad news for them, but you could also say that trucks are the same in that situation.

    a lot of people do just buy 4WD for "safety", look at all the moms driving prados with only two kids and never use them for offroad or for towing,

    but then again, we shouldn't be restricted to drive what ever we want. i for one love my hilux SR5


  7. #22

    Re: Petition to BAN 4wd in school zones and shopping precincts!

    Okay, well here is a question for the definition of '4WD', are they saying it is then okay to pick ur kids up in a landcruiser if you remove the shaft to the rear diff making it a front wheel drive? Does that make it safer since it is no longer a '4WD'.

  8. #23

    Re: Petition to BAN 4wd in school zones and shopping precincts!

    I heard Ms Blights reply in Parliament today...."there are more important issues to worry about than 4wds in school zones or shopping centres"...not an exact quote but close enough. I am not one for giving ANY kudos to the blight govt...but I believe she got this one right.


  9. #24

    Re: Petition to BAN 4wd in school zones and shopping precincts!

    Quote Originally Posted by mowerman View Post
    Sundays Sun Herald.

    A recent study done by NRMA on new vehicles.

    How far a 2 year old child would need to be from the back of a vehicle in order to be seen by the driver.

    Mazda MX5 2 door........................... 1.2meters
    Mercedes A class 3door .................. 2.83m
    Subaru Forester 5door wagon ......... 3.6m
    Ford Falcon 4 door........................... 6.4m
    Honda Odyssey 5door wagon ......... 8.43m
    Nissan Patrol 5door wagon.............. 8.84m
    Holden Astra 2door.......................... 9.11m
    Mazda 6 sedan............................... 10.25m
    Toyota Corolla sedan ..................... >15m

    How about them numbers?


    Arrrrrrr, swallow me sword! Bloody NRMA stealin' me ideas!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by finga View Post

    Just another question...are kids given road safety lessons anymore?? You know...look left, look right, look left again, listen then cross type stuff...

    Funny you should mention that: At my 4-year-old's pre-school I was asked to sign-off on a 'Safety' lesson this year. I forgot to sign and was confronted again before class to sign the memo. I queried this saying, "Why do I have to sign off on a simple 'Safety' lesson," which was to be given by a visiting team. The teacher merely shrugged and said, "It's just a requirement." That evening the literature that accompanied the 'Safety' lesson came home: It was a sex education lesson, and the 'Safety' was about stranger danger and touching etc.
    But no road safety lessons so far.

  10. #25

    Re: Petition to BAN 4wd in school zones and shopping precincts!

    absolutely correct glynn, everyone has a right to be heard ............ but not necessarilly listened to. this mp has done her job and has now clarified her position on this.

    i've only ever owned 4wd vehicles (plus a couple of rally cars) over the 20 years i've been driving. i learnt to drive in one and continue to drive one. i think that the main problem with most 4wd owners on the road is that they haven't always had a forby, they replaced their car with a forby and they tend to try and drive them like a car instead of the ill handling truck that they are.

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