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Heres my thoughts on the "scene". When I first picked up a baitcaster, and tied on a hard bod, my mate gave me a heads up on the "scene". Nah, I said, surely we are all out just to catch a fish and enjoy!
More time I spend on the water, or yakking about barra, the more naive I am proven.
The "Pros"
Universally despised for their fast, loud boats, colorfull shirts, and apparent lack of fishing ettiquette.
The "Guides"
Common targets for blow flies, hanger ons and hero worshipers.
The "Quiet Acheivers"
Good luck to you, best of all worlds. Silence is certainly golden.
The Newbs
Refer "The Pros", but usually in a slower boat.
The Lurkers
Know everything, give nothing, but quick with an opinion.
The Trollers
Universally despised by the casters.
The Casters
Universally despised by the meatos
The Meatos
Universally despised by all
The Illegal Netters
Hero worshipped by the meatos.
The Industry
tell you anything to sell their product, which generally isnt up to scratch anyways.