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Thread: Mooloolaba Seaway Vs Gold Coast Seaway

  1. #1

    Mooloolaba Seaway Vs Gold Coast Seaway

    Looking for feedback from the locals.

    Would like to know how the Gold Coast seaway compares to the Mooloolaba Seaway(which one is safer or more user friendly, personal experiences, etc).
    When are the best times to use, and when should they be avoided.

    Will be using 17foot plate runabout.

    Thanks in advance.


  2. #2

    Re: Mooloolaba Seaway Vs Gold Coast Seaway


    Mooloolaba is much safer and really only becomes iffy if it's got shallow( sand banks form sometimes after big seas) and this happens rarely, it also faces almost northwest so is very very protected from the swells.
    The GC seaway is a differant beast altogether it can look tame in the morning on a run in and when the tide turn and starts to run out it can get real ugly real fast, there is also a sand bank that forms a few hundred meters out from the nth wall and continues out on this line for a fair way, it's called deadmans for a good reason. The bar deals with lots of water flow and faces almost east so it catches the ocean swell ! On a good day it's fine but on the wrong day dont go near it!

    Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!

  3. #3

    Re: Mooloolaba Seaway Vs Gold Coast Seaway

    No comparison. Mooloolaba much easier and consistent.


  4. #4

    Re: Mooloolaba Seaway Vs Gold Coast Seaway

    Both are easily negotiated unless there are big swells.

  5. #5

    Re: Mooloolaba Seaway Vs Gold Coast Seaway

    Mooloolaba is a piece of cake. I've been through there a few times in my 14ft runabout.

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