Haven't put a post up or fished in 5 weeks while I sold my boat and sorted out the new one. Gave the new one a run the other day as a trail run and sorted out all the little options I've never had before .I've been waiting all week to get it on the water and have a fish out of the little beast. Its a little 4 metre Seascape Viper with a 2010 Suzuki 2 stroke 40 hp elctric start and boy does the suzi put some sting in the little boats tail![]()
Its a great boat with a good sized live well and plenty of storage, Front and rear casting platforms and everything in the boat has a home so I'm wrapped. Woke up about 5 times last night and had a look out the window to see that bloody wind blowing and I thought bugger I'll turn off the alarm and have a sleep in
but Garrett gave me a kick about 6 and said come on old man we'll take a couple of bream rods out and try out the live well. we had a quick session around the river and Bulimba creek. We never struck a full on bite but we were kept interested for a few hours. We did manage 3 bream , 2 tailor,While fishing a mangrove area I hooked a small trev but what was exciting was the encounter with a few of his bigger brothers in a metre of water charging thro the shallows chasing prawns. I scored a nice 53 cm estuary cod on my bream gear on 4 bl leader. Just as well I lipped him and he didn't get a chance to scoff down the lure with that light string. Also lost a great fish as the hooks pulled as we see sawed with one another as he was determined to find his way into a thick wooded snag. Anyway it was a nice morning with a bit of fun and all fish were released after a little holiday in our well. Most enjoyable thing was shareing the new boat experience with the boy and both coming away thinking this little boat is the ducks nuts.