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Baked Spuds
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Thread: Baked Spuds

  1. #1

    Baked Spuds

    One of my favourite side dishes for a roast dinner.....or any dinner for that roast (baked) spuds. I reckon I do a pretty mean baked spud....and my nieces have always loved my baked spuds. But No1 niece on having returned from a sleepover at a schoolfriends place has informed me that her friends Nan makes better baked spuds than me. On further investigation (nieces friends mum also happens to be a family friend) it turns out that the secret is they use Goose Fat to cook the spuds in. Having researched this on the net I have come up with a donut on where I can get Goose Fat in Aus. They used to get it at a deli in Kippa-ring.....which has since closed. Does anyone out there know where I can buy Goose Fat? It turns out this is quite a common 'secret' for superb baked spuds in England and France.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2

    Re: Baked Spuds

    I guess you could always buy a Goose and cook it, then keep the "drippings" I have not seen it for a while now, my local Butcher used to keep it, maybe they could order some for you from one of their suppliers!

  3. #3

    Re: Baked Spuds

    I will have to remember that one for the future i found a couple places mail order when in stock anyway.

    Holy crap...healthy baked spuds!!

    also read there is/was a goose fat shortage due to avian flu..who would have guessed.

    cheers fnq

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member lusco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Baked Spuds

    hey greg
    try james street markets in the valley or the deli in the complex at portside on the river at hamilton.both are unique delis or even newfarm deli.

  5. #5

    Re: Baked Spuds

    Serious business doing a good jacket.

    No fat, goose or not, just do them on the weber with charcoal, skins on, cant beat them. Slight drizzle of oil and S&P.. leave for the duration of the roast.. it doesnt get any better.

    Doing them in goose fat is like doing the old pub trick of deep frying them to get them crisp.. very chefy and goose fat only makes them taste better...but still over-rated and greasy, and they even take the skin off?

    I know its a serious business doing a good you need to do a comparison,, try the goose and the weber, but reckon the weber will do a proper tatta. But if the niece want goose fat, well cant argue with that.
    Tangles KFC

  6. #6

    Re: Baked Spuds

    I am one of those that likes the crispy PEELED spuds. I hate the taste of potato skins. I used to use the solidified oil (that had animal fats in it) because of the taste it gave the spuds. But since a health scare have tried to be a bit more discerning in what I cook my food in. It turns out that goose fat is actually quite ok health wise......and for the once a fornight roast dinner...well I like a treat occassionally. I even score my spuds with a fork to try to get a crispier finish. Have done them in the webber as you have suggested, most of the family loved em....but I want a traditional crispy pommie style roast spud.

  7. #7

    Re: Baked Spuds

    I have never used goose fat but have used duck fat a bit. I get mine from buying a whole duck and keep the fat from cooking it. When it is broiled for a while it gives you a lot of usable fat. It also is a close match for goose fat and is used in french cooking. If i could get a whole goose that is how i would do it, a great feed of goose ( which is delicious ) and plenty of fat for the spuds.

  8. #8

    Re: Baked Spuds

    I roast mine skin off and i drizzle macdamia nut oil over them. It makes them roast up great and gives them a nice hint of macadamia flavour.
    cheers TT

  9. #9

    Re: Baked Spuds

    I use penut oil with a bit of parmisan. will have to try goose fat.
    Nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught.

  10. #10

    Re: Baked Spuds

    ok - local butcher has duck fat in store, and is going to suss out the goose fat supply. Will keep you posted (will try duck fat in the meantime to see how it goes).


  11. #11

    Re: Baked Spuds

    yep, that's the way, give the local guy a go, let us know how it all goes, my wife does good baked potatoes, but she uses the half boil, score with a fork, and brush with oil, then bake in the oven at blast furnace heat to finish off and get a crispy outside, seems to work a treat.

  12. #12
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Baked Spuds

    None of that fat is any good for you
    Particularly goose and duck fat.
    I know it makes for superb roast pratis but at what cost?
    You lot are a bunch of silly arse clowns
    For those that want to commit food suicide and cant get goose or game fat, Simple dripping lard from the W or C market will brown up a mean spud.
    Once you got a dripping can happening you can add to it from cooking chops and stuff.
    My old man was fed dripping sandwiches for school,,,, He has now had a triple bypass
    But I cant talk, I'm just as bad.

  13. #13

    Re: Baked Spuds

    Fig tree deli Camp Hill has both Goose and Duck fat.

    Places like - the chef's butler - etc should have it online for home delivery.

  14. #14

    Re: Baked Spuds

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    yep, that's the way, give the local guy a go, let us know how it all goes, my wife does good baked potatoes, but she uses the half boil, score with a fork, and brush with oil, then bake in the oven at blast furnace heat to finish off and get a crispy outside, seems to work a treat.
    Thats the way I do them except at times I bill give them a good brush with garlic butter. The par boil then roughen outside makes them crisp on the outside and fluffy on the inside. Dont try to do them in the same pan as the roast as the liquid keeps them soft. Take the roast out to rest and turn up the heat. You can throw in a variety of veges (sweet pot, brussel sprouts, carrots etc) and they come out great
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  15. #15

    Re: Baked Spuds

    Anyone here make real gravy to go along with their quality roasts? You know add flour to the leftover juices and fork it like crazy over the stove top? It's a shame to go all out and miss this step IMO.

    cheers fnq

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