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Thread: Fitting Outriggers

  1. #1

    Fitting Outriggers


    Just after some advice on fitting Reelax Reef Riggers to my Mustang Bluewater 2000. I have to bolt them to the side of the fibreglass cabin and I was wondering what other people had behind the glass to reinforce the bolts.

    Any pics would be great as well, thanks in advance.


  2. #2

    Re: Fitting Outriggers

    hi mate
    imo i would be using an ally plate twice the size as the base 3-5mm thick with a peace of rubber the same size of the plate inbetween. not that i have out riggers on the boat yet but this has been something ive thought about myself.
    hope this steers you in the right direction

    cheers jp

  3. #3

    Re: Fitting Outriggers

    aluminium plate if i remember correctly

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