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Anyone we know? Did he leave the compass etc at home?
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Thread: Anyone we know? Did he leave the compass etc at home?

  1. #1
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Gold Coast

    Anyone we know? Did he leave the compass etc at home?

    Fisherman missing in dust storm off Jumpinpin

    Article from: AAP
    • September 23, 2009 03:06pm
    BREAKING: A MAN in a small fishing boat off South Stradbroke Island has become lost in the dust storm blanketing southeast Queensland.
    The RACQ CareFlight rescue helicopter is searching for the man, who is lost in waters off Jumpinpin, on South Stradbroke Island.
    The man used his mobile phone to call for help about 2pm (AEST) on Wednesday when he couldn't find his way back to land, a spokeswoman said.

    Police find boat lost in dust storm

    | September 23rd, 2009

    Related Links

    Pictures: Gold Coast dust storm
    Dust descends on Gold Coast

    WATER police have located two people who became lost at sea in a tinnie during the dust storm blanketing the Gold Coast.
    The tinnie was located in waters near the Jumpinpin bar, off South Stradbroke Island, around 3.30pm.

    A water police spokesman said officers were helping to escort the boat back to shore.

    A man used his mobile phone to call for help about 2pm today when he couldn't find his way back to land.

    The RACQ CareFlight rescue helicopter went out searching for the boat but was forced back due to poor visibility.
    What could go wrong.......................

  2. #2
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: Anyone we know? Did he leave the compass etc at home?

    This beggars belief. There was a strong wind warning today even without the dust, why the f would you have gone out in these conditions in what, from the report, is a small boat, even a 7m boat would have found the conditions difficult. And to go further, where was his radio, his compass and his GPS, and people put themselves in danger to find them.

  3. #3

    Re: Anyone we know? Did he leave the compass etc at home?

    yeah i heard it on nova.. dont know why u would be out there in these conditions. to me deserves to be fined good and proper obviously didnt have the right gear on board.
    560c Bar Crusher "Overtime"

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member shano's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone we know? Did he leave the compass etc at home?

    man the wind was atrosious! bugga being out in that!

  5. #5

    Re: Anyone we know? Did he leave the compass etc at home?

    Well I met a bloke who goes out without a full tank of fuel the other week, said he can get out and back with half. I smiled and said for the cost of a little fuel better to have it and not need it instead of the other way around, I would be mortified if I had to call up for fuel.

  6. #6

    Re: Anyone we know? Did he leave the compass etc at home?

    When i first heard it on the radio, my immediate thoughts were....does the twit have a compass (i thought it was mandatory on vessels going offshore), if he does...does he know how to use it, then....WTF is he doing out there in a tinny with a strong wind warning current. Some people should be taxed for breathing!!!!!!


  7. #7

    Re: Anyone we know? Did he leave the compass etc at home?

    My fist thought was that the wind was blowning the same direction all day, so he heads out with it blowning from the port side all he has to do is travel home with it comming from the starboard side, is it really that hard? it was a westerly so aslong as you were in close it would have been alright out there imho!

    Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!

  8. #8

    Re: Anyone we know? Did he leave the compass etc at home?

    Didn't have a compass. Does that even matter? There is a big glowing thing in the sky that even through the dust could still be seen today.

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Sep 2008

    Re: Anyone we know? Did he leave the compass etc at home?

    I guess some people tend to panic in situations like that. I'm sure thinking back on it from the safety of his home that he realizes that.

  10. #10

    Re: Anyone we know? Did he leave the compass etc at home?

    Quote Originally Posted by finding_time View Post
    My fist thought was that the wind was blowning the same direction all day, so he heads out with it blowning from the port side all he has to do is travel home with it comming from the starboard side, is it really that hard? it was a westerly so aslong as you were in close it would have been alright out there imho!

    that would take someone with a brain to work that out, obviously this guy dosen't have too many, yesterday that bloody big flourecent looking disc in the west may have pointed him in the right direction

  11. #11

    Re: Anyone we know? Did he leave the compass etc at home?

    now we hear a bit more of the story......seems the bloke was fishing just inside the bar and got washed out.......visibility down to 100meters.

    now not everybody has GPS on board.....

    so how do you recon you would go negociating the jumpinpin bar.....even if you could find it with 100m visability......particularly if you weren't expecting to.

    Now I was working outside yesterday.....and early on... it looked a bit breasy.....and oh yeh....there is going to be a dust storm.........It wasn't so bad where I many of you expected the visability to get down to 100m.

    that would be worse than navigating at night.

    At least the bloke had the sence to call for help when he knew he was in trouble........

    he was much better off that trying ti get back in with the posibility of running aground or getting swamped.

    Its the details, those little details, that make the difference.

  12. #12

    Re: Anyone we know? Did he leave the compass etc at home?

    the world would be boring without dickheads , better off yes but boring. If your getting washed out start the motor and drive back in ay...basic rocket science

  13. #13

    Re: Anyone we know? Did he leave the compass etc at home?

    Quote Originally Posted by oldboot View Post
    now we hear a bit more of the story......seems the bloke was fishing just inside the bar and got washed out.......visibility down to 100meters.

    now not everybody has GPS on board.....

    so how do you recon you would go negociating the jumpinpin bar.....even if you could find it with 100m visability......particularly if you weren't expecting to.

    that would be worse than navigating at night.

    At least the bloke had the sence to call for help when he knew he was in trouble........

    he was much better off that trying ti get back in with the posibility of running aground or getting swamped.


    Negotiating the jumpinpin bar in a flat sea like yesterday (flat enough to drift out without being swamped) with 100 metres of visibility? Pretty bloody easy actually, and not worse than navigating at night!

    What's the visibility at night, especially with little or no moon? A hell of a lot less than 100 metres.
    Check out my boat for sale in the classifieds

    • 469 Stacer open Seahorse/Nomad
    • 50hp 4 stroke tiller Mercury
    • Heaps of extras, in top condition

  14. #14

    Re: Anyone we know? Did he leave the compass etc at home?

    at night you can see outlines of land with very little can see lit navigational aids for dozens of KM.

    With a decent spot light your visability can extend quite a bit over 100m in clear air.

    and negociating any waterway or feature is a lot easier if you have an idea where you are to start with.

    these guys might have not been too clever...... but at least they were smart enough to call for help rather than get them selves into more trouble.

    If you are in this sort of trouble and not otherwise in danger....the smartest thing you can do is...drop anchor, stay put ( if you can) and call for help.

    Its the details, those little details, that make the difference.

  15. #15
    Ausfish Bronze Member fly_1's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone we know? Did he leave the compass etc at home?

    This is what it was like off the coastline. We took this whilst we were holding off Sydney at 28000ft. As we were making our approch, there were times when the vis dropped down to under 1000m. For anyone to go fishing in weather like that, and then require assistance, he should be made to cough up with the costs of trying to find him..Bloody idiot..

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