Not sure how i feel about this one, i'm obviously a keen angler, but not at the expense of the fish species we so enjoy catching. i'm wondering if 2 x 5 day closures for fin species will actually impact stock numbers. i'd like to see steps taken to ensure that fishes are not heavily impacted by rec and commercial fishers until they have completed spawning/breeding season.
I'm not a hard core greenie dogooder, i just love fishing and would like to continue fishing well into my retirement in 30 odd years, and be able to take my kids fishing.
Hopefully with accurate fish stock models and a realistic management program we can all enjoy fishing, with good catches, indefinetly.
The report also focuses on keeping the commercial fishing industry happy from loss of income. i'm all for it, as long as it's 100% sustainable at the level of catch these guys are taking. i'd rather pay more for fish at the markets then have some species threatend or worse, extinct in 10 - 20 years time. no amount of money is worth that.