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Thread: cruisecraft outsider 580 135optimax

  1. #1

    cruisecraft outsider 580 135optimax

    Hi all,
    Just after any info on performance on similar sized riggs fitted with 135 Optimax 2.5l v6. I have already purchased motor 05 model and checking my options for upgrading to 150 hp with new pcm. I have seen pcm's on ebay usa from $250 to $500 us. The hull on the cc weighs 900kgs.And what size prop should be used it came with 17p vengence.
    regards Paul

  2. #2

    Re: cruisecraft outsider 580 135optimax

    It will go fine, probably do around 34 knots. 17 vengence should be about the right prop for it.

  3. #3

    Re: cruisecraft outsider 580 135optimax

    Hi Paul,
    Had a mate who had a 550 Outsider with a 135hp Merc, swinging a 19p Laser prop and he had no trouble seeing 39-40 knots. With an Optimax I would consider an 18p Raker type prop from Solas as the Optimax needs a slightly smaller prop. Give Steve at Solas a call about and 18p prop.


  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member bigjimg's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Moorooka, Brisbane.

    Re: cruisecraft outsider 580 135optimax

    Gidday Paul Ive got a 580F Sig with the 135 opti swinging the vengeance 17p prop.She gets fully loaded up to 38knts and at cruise on 3900-4100 rpm approx1.0nm per ltr at 25knts.The weight is about the same with the hulls,mine trims level with the planing plank at 1.7 on the trim gauge and travels best at between 1.9-2.0.WOT is 5300-5400 rpm which is spot on for this engine.Feel free to pm if want more info.Jim
    Haines Signature "FinaLeigh" 580F 135 Optimax
    CH 81 & 72 VHF

  5. #5

    Re: cruisecraft outsider 580 135optimax

    I have a 550C Sig running a 135 Opti. Approx 70-72 km fully trimmed. 65 km at normal trim propped with a Vengence 17P


  6. #6

    Re: cruisecraft outsider 580 135optimax

    I have a 575 Outsider with 135 Optimax 04 model and 17p Vengance. Roughly 1nm per litre at 3800-4500. Mine trims to 2.7 at 5500rpm for 35 and a bit knotts. 400 hours on the clock and no problems to date. Love it.


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