Hi all!
I'm new here and been in Australia for about 3 years now (originally swedish) and I'm totally lost when it comes to shore fishing methods, rigs, baits etc...
I've been fishing a few times both from the shore in Manly as well as from the cliffs around Collins beach but with no luck. I'm using a bottom rig with three hooks and prawn as bait. Prob round 1 m between each hook. I used the same rig and bait for shore fishing. I did catch 2 flatheads and 1 leatherjacket from the cliffs but that's not very much considering how much I've tried...
Is there any times or conditions you should avoid when shore fishing? Read somewhere that the best times is 1 hour before tide. I realized that tonight was prob a bit windy because the rig just kept sweeping up a couple 100 m next to me by the waves. Or am I doing something wrong?
Very very thankful for answers!
Lost suede