I'm very confused about posts that get moved -- oh by the way September has been the pits for beach fishing, few bream and bugger all tailor (you have to mention fish or you get moved here from 'General Fishing').
Posts get moved all the time from all the categories and I just can't figure out their new resting homes and all the confusing mandatory categories. And I still have the stigmata of that "warning" on my personal whatever it's called for posting in the wrong category. I can find these 'moved' posts by following the link, but can't for the life of me figure out the new category. Is it some sort of purgatory where the poor souls aren't allowed the usual stats if they'd stayed in post heaven? And what's the point of moving them if you can still find them by following the link anyway when the moved subject matter still stays in the category where it has been moved from in the first place (try reading that after a few schooners)?
Of course forums, email, bloody facewatch and yahoo massacre or whatever they're called are all relatively new technologies for a lad who grew up learning everything about life and the greater community on the tiled floor of the public bar of the local hotel. But no one in the pub's fishing club ever lived to say, "Sorry mate but you can't bloody say that unless you include the word 'fish' in the sentence and you must specify if it's saltwater or freshwater fish." And of course the real laugh here is that if you don't have 3 million posts up or whatever it is, you're only allowed to talk about fish and its related subjects before you can move on to absolute rubbish. So once again, imagine that in a pub atmosphere: "Ah, fellas, I'd like to introduce me Brother-in-Law, Kevin; he'll only be talking about fish for a couple of years, so just friggin' ignore him if you like."
I really don't understand categories at all. There's so many categories here at Ausfish that it makes my head swim (swim like a fish -- another reference to fishing). I can understand the Yellow Pages because they're advertising a business that I might be looking for, but imagine the other 6 million punters in the white pages if they decided to put them in categories. Well for a start the 'A' section would be chock-a-block because they'd have to list so many punters under a$$holes that the rest of the alphabet would look bare.
Now I'm no genius but if there were no categories in Ausfish, just carte blanche, and a bloke put up a post, "4WDriving on Fraser", I reckon even after several schooners I could kinda get the gist of it without having it inserted in some category styled for a cretin, or moved to 'post purgatory'.
The fact is that categories actually make browsing far slower than if they just lumped everything together and let us figure it out ourselves. Like if a bloke says something stupid in the pub, there's a moment's hush, then the poor wombat thinks twice about opening his gob again. And the conversation moves on. This would make a real democracy and lessen the moderation of mods: Like this is a fishing forum so if the greater majority of members didn't want to hear all the non-fishing related crap (like this) then they simply shouldn't respond to it and it would reside at the bottom of the pit where the relative non-interested parties would summarily relegate it for only the bottom-dwellers to dwell on.
Watch this one get moved!