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I'm very moved -- confused but moved.
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Thread: I'm very moved -- confused but moved.

  1. #1

    I'm very moved -- confused but moved.

    I'm very confused about posts that get moved -- oh by the way September has been the pits for beach fishing, few bream and bugger all tailor (you have to mention fish or you get moved here from 'General Fishing').
    Posts get moved all the time from all the categories and I just can't figure out their new resting homes and all the confusing mandatory categories. And I still have the stigmata of that "warning" on my personal whatever it's called for posting in the wrong category. I can find these 'moved' posts by following the link, but can't for the life of me figure out the new category. Is it some sort of purgatory where the poor souls aren't allowed the usual stats if they'd stayed in post heaven? And what's the point of moving them if you can still find them by following the link anyway when the moved subject matter still stays in the category where it has been moved from in the first place (try reading that after a few schooners)?
    Of course forums, email, bloody facewatch and yahoo massacre or whatever they're called are all relatively new technologies for a lad who grew up learning everything about life and the greater community on the tiled floor of the public bar of the local hotel. But no one in the pub's fishing club ever lived to say, "Sorry mate but you can't bloody say that unless you include the word 'fish' in the sentence and you must specify if it's saltwater or freshwater fish." And of course the real laugh here is that if you don't have 3 million posts up or whatever it is, you're only allowed to talk about fish and its related subjects before you can move on to absolute rubbish. So once again, imagine that in a pub atmosphere: "Ah, fellas, I'd like to introduce me Brother-in-Law, Kevin; he'll only be talking about fish for a couple of years, so just friggin' ignore him if you like."
    I really don't understand categories at all. There's so many categories here at Ausfish that it makes my head swim (swim like a fish -- another reference to fishing). I can understand the Yellow Pages because they're advertising a business that I might be looking for, but imagine the other 6 million punters in the white pages if they decided to put them in categories. Well for a start the 'A' section would be chock-a-block because they'd have to list so many punters under a$$holes that the rest of the alphabet would look bare.
    Now I'm no genius but if there were no categories in Ausfish, just carte blanche, and a bloke put up a post, "4WDriving on Fraser", I reckon even after several schooners I could kinda get the gist of it without having it inserted in some category styled for a cretin, or moved to 'post purgatory'.
    The fact is that categories actually make browsing far slower than if they just lumped everything together and let us figure it out ourselves. Like if a bloke says something stupid in the pub, there's a moment's hush, then the poor wombat thinks twice about opening his gob again. And the conversation moves on. This would make a real democracy and lessen the moderation of mods: Like this is a fishing forum so if the greater majority of members didn't want to hear all the non-fishing related crap (like this) then they simply shouldn't respond to it and it would reside at the bottom of the pit where the relative non-interested parties would summarily relegate it for only the bottom-dwellers to dwell on.

    Watch this one get moved!

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member bigjimg's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Moorooka, Brisbane.

    Re: I'm very moved -- confused but moved.

    That was intersestingly refreshing.Cheers and bottoms up.Jim
    INTERESTINGLY not INTERSESTINGLY one too many schooners
    Last edited by bigjimg; 15-09-2009 at 08:41 PM. Reason: spell check
    Haines Signature "FinaLeigh" 580F 135 Optimax
    CH 81 & 72 VHF

  3. #3

    Re: I'm very moved -- confused but moved.

    Any size to the bream mate?
    Warnings are great aren't they... you don't even know that they are there.
    Cheers and thanks.

    "Tackle Whore on a budget..."
    Gonzo II – Brooker 4.5m 40hp Yam & Outlaw Kayak
    Fish Well, Fish Egrell

  4. #4

    Re: I'm very moved -- confused but moved.

    McQuariefields NSW had 1 pub,, i was a member,, so was the late father in law,, and yeh we had rules about the same things,, except if the convo didn't include fishing,, most of those who complained didn't see the tiles,,,,,

    there are tools in place to search for a topic if you need specific info,, if one forum was an open info that may assist you ,,, but not me,, it would be barely looked upon

    hence why report a great 1kg rainbow trout in a saltwater forum???,, when half the members are reporting a 10kg coral

    just my 2 cents worth,,,,,

    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  5. #5

    Re: I'm very moved -- confused but moved.

    This has been moved to the help forum now so when you go to find it again....remember HELP!!!

    Categories are for a reason.
    Some people want more categories and some people want less.....can't win either way.
    Consider this place a library (well it is really).
    Consider a video store (they're a bit like a library). If they didn't have sections you be finding the kiddies version of Alice in Wonderland next to the porno version of the same there one?? If not then it would be a good title
    The different forums just allow some order to posts.
    I intend on living far so good

  6. #6

    Re: I'm very moved -- confused but moved.

    What I'd like to know is why hasn't joke of the day been moved to the bilge?

    It is 90+% non-fishing related.

    ... For ours is not to reason why, but only just to do.... or die.

  7. #7

    Re: I'm very moved -- confused but moved.

    Quote Originally Posted by finga View Post
    Consider a video store (they're a bit like a library). If they didn't have sections you be finding the kiddies version of Alice in Wonderland next to the porno version of the same there one??
    I remember a stand-up comic saying that he used to copy over all the porn movies from Video Ezy with The Wizard of Oz. And then he'd imagine some poor frustrated punter sitting at home trying to watch them, saying, "Come on Dorothy, for Christ's sake do something."

    Arrrr, say I take my Prado down to my beloved Mungo Beach and after a night's camping in the National Park here I head up to The Gibber for a little beach fishing. My GPS doesn't show most of the entry or exit off-roads and I manage to get bogged in dry sand but figure out a clever way to get out. On the beach I find that my rod is stripping the line and I suspect a grooved eyelet is the culprit and I may need to rebuild it -- or maybe the bale arm on the reel. I decide to drive back to cross the main road and in 2 minutes I'm launching my kayak in the Myall Lakes. No luck there so I head out to the dam and flick a few plastics in the fresh.
    On returning home I decide to post my adventures and also ask a few questions of the Ausfishers.

    So do I post in:
    Camping (remember the overnighter)
    Saltwater (for the beach fishing)
    Rod Building (for the rod problem)
    Tackle (for the suspect reel problem)
    4WD-Offroad (obvious)
    Electronics (because I feel the GPS should include more off-road maps)
    Kayaking (because of the Kayak that I lied about having)
    Freshwater (because of the dam fishing)

    Oh yeah, forgot. The missus' concocted a great recipe for the tailor that I caught.


    Don'tcha luv categories?

    And now a true story: Some time ago I worked for a mag that decided to scatter its online news over 12 different categories. Then the ad guy came up with the brilliant idea to get a sponsor for each different category. Without consulting me (the editor) these geniuses (admin) made up the categories themselves. In a desperate defensive measure I calmly convinced them to add one more category: General News. So you can guess what happened: If say, in category 11 there was bugger-all news, then the poor schmuck that sponsored that section would be on the 'Al Capone' and all over the ad guy's asphalt. This happened all the time, and when of course they figured out that I didn't want to play their stupid game and was lumping all the news in 'General', they fired me (I always get fired). But alas the mag went belly-up anyway. Not sure what the moral of the story is. Probably don't hire me!

    Hey LostNearBribie,

    Re the bream:

    This year I decided to fish the beach every single month despite rain hail or hangover -- just so I could cut through all the old fisho's tales about what fish you caught when -- and decide for myself.

    So every month since January I've been at it: Bream have been very good all year with regular catches of 3 to 5 good size almost every outing -- I got a couple of ducks -- but the NPWS wouldn't let me keep them (boom boom). Tailor were regular too from January but really peaked in June July with the big greenbacks hitting hard. Tailor bang shut at the end of July but the bream were still good. Big salmon came on late July/August and even September (bit deal) bloody nuisance fish in my book. Then September and everything bang shut. Only a couple of small bream on the high tide and mostly none.

    August 15 Bream:

  8. #8

    Re: I'm very moved -- confused but moved.

    Mate, you better write 9 stories and bung one in each section.
    Your always worth the read
    You forgot the for sale section (electronics section if you would not mind...or does it go in the other section??) to get rid of the useless GPS gismo
    I intend on living far so good

  9. #9

    Re: I'm very moved -- confused but moved.

    Easiest way to answer your question is to say "This is the Internet, not a printed publication with a limited shelf life". Once people get their head around that concept they usually will get it.

    As of now, we have 97,769 threads and 974,038 posts, bit hard to print that in a monthly mag. We have 50,381 members plus over 1200 a guests a day that visit the site. Most mags are read by a few thousand people a month. They are two different creatures, I know it is hard for some to get use to but they usually work it out in time. I have been using the net for over 15 years and I am still learning.

    Steve Brown

    Do Not Feed The Trolls

  10. #10

    Re: I'm very moved -- confused but moved.

    Thanks for that Ausfish. But you've got to read the fine print; I said 'online':
    "Some time ago I worked for a mag that decided to scatter its online news over 12 different categories."

    Actually I wasn't all that serious, just taking the 'mickey' because I think the regime of moving threads could be a little more flexible. This is especially the case when the 'bilge' section might make more sense if it gave some consideration to the longevity of some of its members and not just the plethora of posts attributed to some of them. Fact is that you meet some interesting people here and it's a buzz to share a laugh or something off-topic with them but, in my case, it's 'access denied'.

    My personal assessment of Ausfish is that it's too busy -- that's not so much a criticism as personal assessment. Google's overnight success was always attributed to its simpicity. Imagine if Google had 35 categories that you had to wade through before you began a search. Same with YouTube, you don't have to select any category -- you can -- but you don't have to.
    So, say you had a twisted mind and you got off on seeing other people's unfortunate and embarrassing falls, you would simply type in "embarrassing falls" and get this:


  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member dogsbody's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: I'm very moved -- confused but moved.

    Categories are good. If say I want to look for rod building,,,boom there it is. Otherwise posts would be gone a few pages down without a chance of being seen, let alone replied to.

    Avast ye matey!

  12. #12

    Re: I'm very moved -- confused but moved.

    Yellowbeard, you crack me up.

  13. #13

    Re: I'm very moved -- confused but moved.

    Quote Originally Posted by royslaven View Post
    Yellowbeard, you crack me up.
    Cheers Roy,

    Hope I can amuse myself enough to get off the blood pressue tablets. I used to commute on trains for 3 hours per day in the old Sydney days. The one thing I noticed -- besides how much people complained about school kids' behaviour on trains -- was how much school kids laughed. Their world (as was ours) is a constant running joke. I can honestly say that I never got upset with school kids on trains. Of course we all know that stats lie, but they're saying that adults (those that do laugh) laugh from 10 to 15 times a day -- and kids -- up to 300 times a day. Wow I could use those laughs!!!


  14. #14

    Re: I'm very moved -- confused but moved.

    I get the point you are trying make Yellowbeard. I have mentioned it in the past and been shot down as well. Good luck.

  15. #15

    Re: I'm very moved -- confused but moved.

    Hey Yellowbeard, keep your blood pressure down, and keep smiling, Roy.

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