was thinking of giving the raimbow channel a fish tomorrow,any one got any advise,like baits locations ext....any help would be great
was thinking of giving the raimbow channel a fish tomorrow,any one got any advise,like baits locations ext....any help would be great
Have a search only the eastern drop offs, north of myora, or try the welsby light hole, or the area just north of the red top of wallen banks.
Otherwise have a troll for some doggies,
OuldntWOuldn't mind some tuskies webby,what other fish am I likely to come across?
When the macs ar around, I have always drifted the rainbow from Myora to Amity, 4 lines out, various depths and distances from the boat. One enar the bottom, a couple mid depth and one floating on the top or just under. Just the old full pillies onn each. Had good success with that way.
Yeah hahaha but they take some stopping
saw one landed near amity on sun. Heaps of mack tuna from myora to amity landed one, small slugs on bream gear. fish are very spooky
Yeah there's heaps of Mack tuna all right,but they wouldn't take a thing