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Thread: Warning!

  1. #1

    Smile Warning!

    Just thought I would let everyone know that the weather is going to be no good offshore this weekend and you should all leave the fishing around Moreton for another day. Especially Saturday.............Please.........Pretty Please!

  2. #2

    Re: Warning!

    Sorry mate but the weather is going to be Sh!t takeing my boat as well all 3 days

  3. #3

    Re: Warning!

    Thanks for the warning it's a good thing I am stuck up here in Weipa otherwise I would have to take my boat out in that crappy weather aswell

  4. #4

    Re: Warning!

    Glad to hear that might slow the goldie down a bit ...we've got the Wold Triathalon being held and have so many roads closed along with the Grand ramp ...great when this happens the same time they hold a fishing comp .
    I reckon there's gunna be some ramp rage ...
    Cheers Tezza

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