Has anyone else seen this flyer? (I can't attach it as it is 141KB so I have copy & paste the text).
It almost looks like they are offering to calibrate your GPS with a known mark, is this possible or is GPS accuracy based on the American satilites?
What implications could this have regarding being inside a green zone or not if you don't have the same calibration as Marine parks? Do you get a certificate of calibration?
On Saturday 12th September 2009, from 10:30am to 12:30pm, and in conjunction with the SSSI Q150 Commemorative GPS Mark unveiling, the Redland City Council will be launching its "Let‟s go geocaching" Competition. Come and learn more of this modern day „treasure hunt‟ activity that gets you and your family exploring our great outdoors.
Come to the unveiling to commemorate our pioneer surveyors and see just how well your GPS is working. See the equipment that surveyors used in the early years, and the high tech instruments they use today. Learn how the bygone surveyor has become a spatial science professional who uses leading edge technologies to map the planet and solve its mysteries. Those seeking a path into an exciting and growing career can learn of the many opportunities that studies within the emerging spatial science disciplines can offer.
Fishermen, do you want to learn more about the Moreton Bay Marine Park and how the new zoning plan may affect you? Marine Parks (QPWS) staff will be on hand to answer your questions. The Q150 Commemorative GPS Mark has been located specifically so those with a GPS in their boat or car can confirm if it is working correctly before setting out to that important destination.
Make it a day outing for the family - with ample parking, the Volunteer Marine Rescue crew in charge of the sausage sizzle, and the Narnia film set just a short walk away - it will be a day where everyone can enjoy our great outdoors.
When: Saturday 12th September, 2009 from 10:30am to 12:30pm
Unveiling ceremony at 11:00am
Where: Raby Bay boat ramp, William St, Cleveland Point
Cost: Free
Further information:
SSSI Q150 Raby Bay Event Coordinator: Tom Taranto M: 0431 617 743 Email: tomt.sssi@gmail.com
Further event details at: http://docs.google.com/View?id=dhk424ng_48fxncsrdk