Definitely the 6m Bangtrex, spend the hour after getting it back on the trailer looking foor the crews fillings!!Seriously unbelievable how poorly they ride.
The Swiftcraft domminator was a second and a 5m clark a ring wet third.
Makes my back sore just thinkin about it, brrrrrr.
Cheers Marlin01
found the Rumrunner I went out in a few times did the same thing. They are getting close to being an abomination of a boat, rolly at rest for no super smooth ride and those high sides are hard to fish out of. The round bilge might have something to do with it rather than a V or having a planing plank though I have heard heaps of bad things about boats with planing planks.
I also have found the few boats I have been in with planing planks have all been crappy, my mate had an Alison about 16' and it was crap, and another friend from up on the Sunny Coast had a big (21'?) Alison and it was crap as well, he only owned it for 9 months and flogged it off.
so the rumrunner had a round bilge and a planing plank?
Noelm, Smithy,
What is the planing plank effecting, ride into a head sea or stability at rest or both? Not questioning your judgement just interested in your thoughts.
We run an ex Jenkscraft hull. The originals didn't have a planing plank (round bilge), although somewhere along the line, a mould was made with an approx 30cm wide x 7ft planing plank to the keel (this is what we pulled or hull out of). Only time we notice it is runnig over 40 knots trimmed out in a slight chop, you can feel the peaks of the chop being compressed by the flat surface, nothing alarming, infact I like the feeling, lets you know the hull is up out of the water running free and you know you are really hooking! also think it helps eliminate chine walking.
One of these?
Educate us, what's so bad about them??
They look ok for a tin boat.
cheers fnq
Swiftcraft dominator for sure. Used to fish the four beacons from Raby bay . Trip home in arvo's with 20kt southeaster was murder on knees,back,kidney and the patience didn't help the skipper was lead foot. Could hardly walk next day. Also 5m Trailcraft sportscab What a piece of shit.
Presumably this is the reason for the Dominator problems
Whereas it might benefit from a bit of v:
(ie vagabond et al style)
Man thats an ugly butt on that Swiftcraft (swift on a mill pond I suppose) and the ETEC would just make it bang harder
Boat: Seafarer Vagabond
Live: Great South Moreton Bay fishing
Boat: Seafarer Vagabond
Live: Great South Moreton Bay fishing
Interesting reading everyone's opinions, some suprising.
I wonder how many "worst ride" experiences were due to the skipper not knowing how to trim / drive the boat properly...
I sencond that BrenMac.
Three things contribute to a good or bad ride.
1. The conditions
2. The hull
3. How the skipper drives it
Every single planning hull ever built will be rough/dangerous if the skipper flogs it bad conditions. So there is no piont in making any comment unless the conditions and how it was driven is also given.
not so, some boats are sad riding regardless of the driver, trust me, been in enough to know what is badly driven, sea is too rough, or it is just a crap riding boat.
Yep - some are just plane dogs. My brother in law had a Novacraft...cant remember the type but it was 14 foot long glass and puke yellow. It had a design that just looked weird, but setting that aside it used to roll so badly going through boat wakes that we thought she was going to tip many times...a rough sea might well have seen her turn over! It was driven well and was not overpowered. It just barked and smelt when wet.
Boat: Seafarer Vagabond
Live: Great South Moreton Bay fishing