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worst ride 15' to 30 ' - Page 2
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Thread: worst ride 15' to 30 '

  1. #16

    Re: worst ride 15' to 30 '

    without doubt an old flat bottmed Pride my mates father used to own, had a 50HP Evinrude "starfire" or "Starflight", can't remember which it was, that was about the same size as a new 300HP, even sitting in the plush back to back seats you got pounded, I reckon even the Flathead he used to catch came home with a bad back!

  2. #17

    Re: worst ride 15' to 30 '

    Novacraft 15 god every time it had any wave action it used to roll like a dutch frigate 1780 style.


    PS. It had also been belted with the ugly stick to boot
    Boat: Seafarer Vagabond
    Live: Great South Moreton Bay fishing

  3. #18
    Ausfish Platinum Member ShaneC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: worst ride 15' to 30 '

    My mates Trailcraft.... on its maiden voyage in the Bay on a not too bad sort of day, came down that hard off a smallish choppy wave that hard it compressed a disc in his old mans back!!! Absolutely horrible dog of a boat that I cant believe he still owns....

  4. #19

    Re: worst ride 15' to 30 '

    There is a certain "Lightning" that a few Ausfishers have owned over the years that is without doubt the worst riding boat in Aus!!!!! I'm not going to name it as i'm sure who ever owns it at the moment is probably trying to sell it !!!

    Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!

  5. #20

    Re: worst ride 20' to 30 '

    Quote Originally Posted by Chimo View Post
    A little shorter but .......... the Stacer 525, a real pig in any sort of chop, hard on knees and they should have been equipped with kidney belts too.

    And the similar sized Savage that had a habit of spliting along the keel.

    Have to 2nd that one, I am sure that my old bondwood ski boat would have handeled the moreton bay chop better than my stacer easyrider

  6. #21

    Re: worst ride 15' to 30 '

    And whilst we are on the 525 Category; I would like to add the Blue Fin 525. Not only was it a bone jarring experience but the windscreen was just at the perfect height to loose some teeth. I still have my teeth, the boat's long gone.

  7. #22
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: worst ride 15' to 30 '

    my first boat..Rum Runner..once it started porpoising you had to come off the plane to settle it down and then start all over again

  8. #23
    Ausfish Platinum Member STUIE63's Avatar
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    Feb 2007

    Re: worst ride 15' to 30 '

    went for a test day in a GS marine extreme 5.5 after 6 minutes in it I wanted out . the salesman driving it was trying to tell me and the other bloke on the run with me how good it was .if he belived that then he shouldn't be selling boats .

  9. #24
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Jun 2007

    Re: worst ride 15' to 30 '

    Quote Originally Posted by STUIE63 View Post
    went for a test day in a GS marine extreme 5.5 after 6 minutes in it I wanted out . the salesman driving it was trying to tell me and the other bloke on the run with me how good it was .if he belived that then he shouldn't be selling boats .

    Funnily enough they actually get better the harder you push them. Most guys that own them fish the top ends rivers and dont see much more than a bit of chop. Cant imagine a salesman trying to sell them as an offshore rig though.

  10. #25
    Ausfish Platinum Member STUIE63's Avatar
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    Re: worst ride 15' to 30 '

    Quote Originally Posted by dodgyone View Post
    Funnily enough they actually get better the harder you push them. Most guys that own them fish the top ends rivers and dont see much more than a bit of chop. Cant imagine a salesman trying to sell them as an offshore rig though.
    the salesman at Townsville where I went for the test day definately was and this clown tried to push it into waves I don't think it got better as he pushed it

  11. #26

    Re: worst ride 15' to 30 '

    i once had a Savage Swordfish 605 pressed tinny, it was a back breaker even cracked across the transom , i could not sell it quick enough after a long trip home on a SE breeze one day. i replaced it with a HH680SF and it was like riding on a new pair of Nike Air running shoes, but even now i look back on the 680SF and comparing it to now it was not all that, after owning the 233 and now the Cat

    the second worse was a TABS 6.0m anything headon was awful and the best comfortable cruise speed was around 15knots and it was only just over 10knots of wind . It was a stable platform for fishing though

  12. #27
    Ausfish Bronze Member fly_1's Avatar
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    Re: worst ride 15' to 30 '

    A 6.5m AMM with twin 90hp johnos onit. Nearly broke my back, and we couldnt get out of it fast enough!!!!!

  13. #28
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    May 2008

    Re: worst ride 15' to 30 '

    generally heading north into any sort of northerly wind/chop in moreton bay will result in a 'worst trip/boat of all time'

    no small boat can handle it like a larger boat can.

  14. #29

    Re: worst ride 15' to 30 '

    proably the wettest boat ive been in was the wahoo 22 and 25 centre consol,[formally allisons]it would of been dryer to just jump over board
    kokomo ,did you here about the 7m dominator cat ,that rolled in moreton on a presale sea trial,and it wasnt the first one to roll over,i havnt been in one but can only assume??

  15. #30
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Re: worst ride 15' to 30 '

    Might put the cat amongst the pidgeons - but many a good boat can be made to look like a dog by a skipper that doesn't know what they are doing......
    Same goes for boats that are being used contrary to their design (overloaded, improper weight distribution, over/underpowered, inshore boat being taken offshore etc).

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