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worst ride 15' to 30 '
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Thread: worst ride 15' to 30 '

  1. #1

    worst ride 15' to 30 '

    thought i start a post for people to tell us what boat they thought rode the worst from personal experience.
    il start of ,i went fishing last week in my mates new tournament 2000,it would have to be the worst riding boat i could remember being in,slapped and pounded us to death,too shallower entry ,didnt respond to trim ,too much stern lift ,and very wet in a following sea.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Re: worst ride 20' to 30 '

    Eagle ray 1800 sportscab, followed by quinny spirit.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: worst ride 20' to 30 '

    Trailcraft 660 Sportscab. A hull design suited to long rivers and protected waters does not equal 'the Ultimate Offshore Fishing Boat'

  4. #4
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Gold Coast

    Re: worst ride 20' to 30 '

    A little shorter but .......... the Stacer 525, a real pig in any sort of chop, hard on knees and they should have been equipped with kidney belts too.

    And the similar sized Savage that had a habit of spliting along the keel.

    What could go wrong.......................

  5. #5

    Re: worst ride 20' to 30 '

    going to say the cruise craft 600 explorer that we had was a real spine shaker
    into a head sea. great fishing platform but travelling was just hard work.
    cheers dale

  6. #6

    Re: worst ride 20' to 30 '

    Mustang 2150 walkaround, we had a demo in one when they were new years ago. Dont remember the ride being overly bad, but i have NEVER been in a wetter boat (and i currently own a centre-console/cab in Geelong, Vic......and its WAY drier than the mustang walkaround was). Our old 680 haines wasnt the best in short chop (offshore it was awesome in swell, chop, not so much). Probably the worst boat i've ever been in would be a Stessl 5.25 (sorry, bit smaller than the topic). Unstable, words cant describe the way it turned, harsh ride, just a boat i'll be glad if i never have to get in/see ever again in my life.

  7. #7

    Re: worst ride 20' to 30 '

    6.8 seafarer voyager centre cab with2 140 4stks, into 15kts head on chop came home wet and sore, never again..and every trailcraft Ive been in

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member Jabba_'s Avatar
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    Nov 2007

    Re: worst ride 15' to 30 '

    Quintrex Outsider 6.0m... I was sore for 3 days after going out in that POS...
    Follow very closely by Yaltacraft 555.. The roughest ride I have had in a fibrglass boat, they rock and roll at rest and the water wasn't choppy by any means...

  9. #9

    Re: worst ride 15' to 30 '

    5.5m JBS plate boat. I can't believe Reefmaster (Greg and crew) put up with theirs for so long and did all the awesome fishing they did in it.

    2nd was a 6.5m certain brand of famous plate boat made famous on AF.

  10. #10
    Ausfish Bronze Member Catweb's Avatar
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    Mar 2009

    Re: worst ride 15' to 30 '

    18' Swiftcraft Dominator, flat arsed, bone destroying submarine.

  11. #11

    Re: worst ride 15' to 30 '

    A Full Boar? i think, aluminium plate with not much deadrise, wide, gone broke now. I lost tooth cavities fillings, found all manner of potential future nerve end problems and helped a chiropractor pay of his Jacuzzi, never stepped in it ever again!

    Edit* just read the thread and it was not a full boars but the JBS brand Smithy speaks of above, totally agree with him.

    cheers fnq

  12. #12
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: worst ride 15' to 30 '

    Most of the larger Tournament boats which are the old Mustang Trailerboats all seem very hard to trim and wet for there size.

  13. #13

    Re: worst ride 15' to 30 '

    A good idea for a thread and should turn into a must read for anyone getting into boating or changing boats.

    My worst experience was in one of the earlier L & P Savage Streaker, about 15ft I think. What a dog, just really dangerous. The first time I hit a wave in it, it wanted to submarine nearly sank and put the crew through the windscreen. No amount of playing with the trim helped. How these things are ever allowed off the drawing board amazes me.

    The same goes for those John Savage splitters.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Premium Member jason p's Avatar
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    Jun 2009

    Re: worst ride 15' to 30 '

    my pursuit 550 a noosa built boat is awsome in rough seas very dry with the odd bone jarring, bit uncomfortable in short chop but still quite dry. could improve the ride with a little more weight, dont mind having a full load to soften things out some more.
    the old man had stedge craft 18ft bl###y dangerous thing, quite often find her laying on the side, scarry stuff.
    did a lot fishing out of a yalta 16ft she rode on top of the water like a cork and every time you went down a wave the old nuckles whent white because you new the ars end of her was about to 90 deg to you. glad he got rid of that thing.

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member lippa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: worst ride 15' to 30 '

    5.2 kevlacat

    ya just want to get off. has a lot to do with the skippers not shutting up how good they are!

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