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What are your thoughts on the idea of a General Recreational Fishing licence ? - Page 9

View Poll Results: Based on the NSW Model - Would you be in favour of a General Fishing Licence ?

202. You may not vote on this poll
  • Yes - If implemented on the NSW Model

    84 41.58%
  • No - I am Happy with the current Qld Fisheries management

    100 49.50%
  • I will post my Alternative Below

    18 8.91%
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Thread: What are your thoughts on the idea of a General Recreational Fishing licence ?

  1. #121

    Re: What are your thoughts on the idea of a General Recreational Fishing licence ?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealAndy View Post
    From the ECOfishers NSW website. Excerpt of a post by user Maniak, Nov 6, 2007.
    "Just checked the last ACoRF meeting minutes and saltwater trust expenditure for current year.
    Interesting to note where the vast majority of your license money goes - DPI inhouse research.
    So the government appointed reps send the trust (your license) money to the DPI bureaucrats and get reappointed and send the trust (your license) money to the DPI bureaucrats and get reappointed and send the trust (your license) money to the DPI bureaucrats and get reappointed and send the trust (your license) money to the DPI bureaucrats and get reappointed and send the trust (your license) money to the DPI bureaucrats and get reappointed..........."
    Excerpt from Ken Thurlow, CEO ECOfishers NSW Dec 17 2008
    "Fisheries Minister announces the closure of Gaden Trout Hatchery, a core government responsibility. Macadonald apparently considers it a liability. Maybe he has caved in to the greenies yet again. Greenies consider trout a feral (introduced) fish in our waterways and would love to get rid of them and leave highland fishers with no fishery at all in those places.
    ACoRF does a deal with their Minister (he appointed all of them!) whereby ACoRF uses at least $417,000 of our licence fees (at the moment) to "rescue" the governments trout hatchery. And Macdonald laughs all the way to the bank! No widespread consultation or negotiations with the states recreational fishers who dutifully supply the funds, the ministers ACoRF fiddles with - just a panicked response and throw some more of our money Macdonald's way."
    I believe these are "observations" - I can confirm this is NOT how it happens

    The general anglers who sit on ALL of these committees genuinely want to see improved fisheries for ALL the anglers in their state. These positions are NOT - jobs for the boys

    I'm not up to speed with Gaden - BUT if the trusts paid to buy out the Hatchery - I would take it that it is now owned by the anglers of NSW & will now provide stocking for the state. Why would this be a bad move - particularly if the trusts owned the real estate ? I'd say that the anglers of NSW now have complete control over that resource - because THEY OWN IT ?

    In regards to the research , most of the best people for the job work for the department. The research requests are made via the trust account committees & finalised by ACORF. This is great work to have done & would not be possible with out the license.

    Regards Scotto
    Last edited by Scott Mitchell; 07-09-2009 at 03:52 PM.

  2. #122
    Ausfish Premium Member TimiBoy's Avatar
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    Re: What are your thoughts on the idea of a General Recreational Fishing licence ?

    A point on the question as posed - elaborating on what has been said previously. We have 3 options:

    1. Like the NSW model, or
    2. Like things as they are, or
    3. Somehow have the knowledge, training and foresight to be able to detail an entirely new system for Qld, without consulting the stakeholders. In short, I am capable of presenting a complete solution, which is normally botched by a whole department.

    So really, you've set it up so that anyone who disagrees with the first two is a whinger, because they are not providing a solution.

    Yet that solution is something that will necessarily mean that a great deal of consultation, time and energy will have to be expended to get it right. In short, no one person can answer it.

    Sounds like the sort of question that might be posed by a Politician to generate the ammo to discredit their opposition, but not to resolve anything.

    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  3. #123
    Ausfish Platinum Member STUIE63's Avatar
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    Re: What are your thoughts on the idea of a General Recreational Fishing licence ?

    You're all over it Tim this question reeks

  4. #124

    Re: What are your thoughts on the idea of a General Recreational Fishing licence ?

    Quote Originally Posted by TimiBoy View Post
    A point on the question as posed - elaborating on what has been said previously. We have 3 options:

    1. Like the NSW model, or
    2. Like things as they are, or
    3. Somehow have the knowledge, training and foresight to be able to detail an entirely new system for Qld, without consulting the stakeholders. In short, I am capable of presenting a complete solution, which is normally botched by a whole department.

    So really, you've set it up so that anyone who disagrees with the first two is a whinger, because they are not providing a solution.

    Yet that solution is something that will necessarily mean that a great deal of consultation, time and energy will have to be expended to get it right. In short, no one person can answer it.

    Sounds like the sort of question that might be posed by a Politician to generate the ammo to discredit their opposition, but not to resolve anything.

    Alright Tim - How would you like the Poll to be questioned ?

    To set the record straight :-

    * I do not believe Queensland fisheries are being sustainably managed from a recreational angling view point.
    * I understand that it costs money to buy out commercial licenses & that there is room to remove these from SOME key recreational angling areas ie: Great sandy Straights etc
    * I do not believe the government is going to provide no-strings-attached funding to buy out commercial effort from key recreational angling areas ?
    * I do not believe the government is going to provide funds to improve research for key recreational angling species.
    * I do not believe the government is going to provide funding for better angler education & communication projects across the state ?
    * I do not believe the government is going to help fund saltwater stocking & assessment projects ?
    * Plenty more @

    So if the government has not / can not provide funding for these types of projects - How do we get the funding ?????

    Based on what I saw & was directly involved in - in NSW I am in favour of pay a license fee BASED ON THAT MODEL - Transparent TRUST ACCOUNTS where ALL the money goes & is accounted for !

    Just my view - Scotto

  5. #125
    Ausfish Premium Member TimiBoy's Avatar
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    Re: What are your thoughts on the idea of a General Recreational Fishing licence ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Mitchell View Post
    Alright Tim - How would you like the Poll to be questioned ?
    How about

    3. Would you support a Queensland License if the method with which it was administered was determined through the use of a proper, transparent and public consultation with all stakeholders?

    Seems a bit of a no brainer, really...

    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  6. #126
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: What are your thoughts on the idea of a General Recreational Fishing licence ?

    No Scott..i would not support the NSW model where people get paid to sit on the board.

    transparent trust Qld..let the tooth fairy administer them then

  7. #127
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: What are your thoughts on the idea of a General Recreational Fishing licence ?

    Jesus Wept.

    When will we wise up.

    Recreational fishos volunteering to pay money to fish, having already contributed considerably in various forms is, in my humble opinion, about as smart as playing Russian Roulette.

    The Pollies must love it when the unwashing volunteer to pay money for an activity that is free, particularly given they've already got their huge wedge in all the stuff we buy to go and do that "free" activity.

    Absolute madness.

    Most governments couldn't manage a packet of Weeties at Woolie, even if you told them what aisle to look in. If we believe that giving them cash to manage the natural fishery will make it better, or that other great line of tripe trotted out - give us a say, then there are some seriously delusional issues we have with our thought processes.


  8. #128

    Re: What are your thoughts on the idea of a General Recreational Fishing licence ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucky_Phill View Post

    I personally believe that there is sufficient funds collected through GST and taxes on recreational anglers to buy out all neccessary commercial licences in Queensland and have plenty left for research.

    Having said that, the importance of recreational fishing in not only Queensland, but the whole of Australia, far outweighs the benefits provided by current commercial practices.

    This is where Qld Tourism, State Development and DPI&F need to step up to the plate. You simply have to look at what has happened in the NT in recent years to know that one fish can contribute many thousands of dollars to an economy, whereas if it gets caught by commercial fishers, it provides very little.

    Queensland is on the brink of either establishing one of the worlds best recreational and tourism based fisheries or seeing it collapse under misguided government policy.

    Thanks for this post and it has been discussed before. I just hope people see the big picture and are not lead to believe that a recreational fishing licence would be the saviour of the recreational fishery in Qld. I know the NSW model has provided some great outcomes, in particular " estuaries ", but we must be aware of what happened recently in the Moreton Bay Marine Park licence buy-back scheme, where many licences were bought back only to see the " effort " reduced by about 2%. That was one hell of a stuff up. Even the commercial operators told the gov this would happen.

    Cheers Phill

    Well said Phill. My thoughts exactly.

  9. #129
    Ausfish Platinum Member honda900's Avatar
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    Re: What are your thoughts on the idea of a General Recreational Fishing licence ?

    We (the taxpayer) have well and truly paid for the small joys in life like driving a car on a public road to which we the "public" have paid for.

    As per the boat ramps, pontoons and the rest that we "the taxpayer" have paid for several times over.


    reading between the lines of this thread, you have posed yourself as a wannabe politician to represent the masses, unfortunately your agenda is not right. perhaps you should consider turning to the dark side and supporting the No vote.

    Just so we have some clarity I have worked with politicians from the highest level of government in Aus to the lowest over the the last 30 odd years, so I have seen and understand some of the Idealism and self promotion that goes on and the pure and utter disgraceful behavior and waste.


  10. #130

    Re: What are your thoughts on the idea of a General Recreational Fishing licence ?

    My summation of the responses so far.

    The governement is corrupt and incompetent and cant be trusted to manage the states fisheries.

    There is no way anyone is going to pay a fishing licence fee.

    It is our god given right to rape an pillage our waterways.

    We dont trust anyone to manage our fisheries.

    Anyone who wants to try to improve our fisheries must have another hidden agenda.

    Never trust politicians (well that a bluddy given)

    Lets bag out anyone who even thinks about trying to start a discussion about how to improve things.

    While we have this splinter mentality of infighting amongst ourselves.....the greenies/PETA/WWF have us snookered.

    I the ideal world we would have a Political party that unifies the fishing/4wd/camping/boating fraternity.....but I doubt that is going to happen. We seem to be passionate about our sport, but not passionate about fighting for it. We confine ourselves to arguing with each other about which state has a better method........bloody hell....its ok with a game of football........swings and roundabouts.......but we are talking about our favourite passtime here....and that of many AUSTRALIANS....many of whom see Qld as the mecca of their persuit.

    I prefer to relate to Scotts 3rd question.....WHAT IS A BETTER WAY TO TO ACHIEVE WHAT WE WANT (my wording not his).

    If any of you think that Scott is promoting something that hasnt been thought of by our beloved pollies, then you are living in a fools paradise. It has been on the agenda of every State and Territory Government for as long as I can remember.

    Lets take the emotion out of the debate and look at the practicalities of what could be....on both sides. What can WE, as a recreational body (if in fact we have one ) do to ensure we have a say in how our resource is managed.

  11. #131

    Re: What are your thoughts on the idea of a General Recreational Fishing licence ?

    i've just read Fish and Boat magazine and a reply on the subject by Emmanual Theodosiou from Townsville Marine is spot on. Good on you Emmanual . Your dead right in everything you have said.

  12. #132

    Re: What are your thoughts on the idea of a General Recreational Fishing licence ?

    Ok so it's almost unanimous that QLDers or those that have posted here, would not support a Rec Fishing licence. So after 9 pages of Bickering we see the results show that in fact 42% in fact voted yes at this stage...... I am not sure wether they really voted yes to a fishing licence or yes to a licence the same as the NSW system. Going by the ones that actually took the time to voice an opinion I would think its safe to say that those that voted yes found it's easy to just click yes because they aren't oposed to 30 bucks a year if they see the benefits of it.

    Now a similar portion voted no also at 43%. It is easy to also assume due to the lack of writen responses that the 43% may in fact just be oposed to the license but are infact not happy with the way the fishery is managed currently.

    I was one of the 13% that voted I have an alternative but one of the few that actually presented one. That being said its hard to assume what people want in that category without further info.

    The problem with the poll is it was asking 5 questions and giving 3 options of answers. Like timmy said for those that are unhappy with the current structure but don't want a Licence-period or one on the NSW model they have to have an educated or at least somewhat well thought out plausible plan of thier own or they would have got flamed by all and don't want to sound stupid.

    I like the comment here from LuckyPhill

    "This is where Qld Tourism, State Development and DPI&F need to step up to the plate. You simply have to look at what has happened in the NT in recent years to know that one fish can contribute many thousands of dollars to an economy, whereas if it gets caught by commercial fishers, it provides very little."

    These are very very wise words and yes the above mentioned departments do need to step up to the plate. QLD in some ways really is a Fishing Mecca. It should be treated like it and promoted as one.

    The problem is, the current political climate we have in QLD puts next to NO pressure on these departments to do so. They can sit around being incompetent as they like with regard to this with no one to answer to. Politically the fishing vote held a little say last time round but no where near enough to make the short term changes that are drastically needed.

    3 Questions to you that have responded.

    1) So, if it is decided by those few of you out there that have the balls to actually voice your opinion in writing, that we don't need a licence and (your right) have paid through the nose in taxes already to have the rights to a better fishery....... What can we do to raise the funds needed to take control as the largest (by far) stake holder in this debacle??????
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  13. #133

    Re: What are your thoughts on the idea of a General Recreational Fishing licence ?

    2) Is even attempting to raise the funds a waste of time and we should just wait and hope to change the polititians in power and let them make the right choices for us.... Possibly taking generations?

    3) Is it possible to work with what ever government of the day we have and slowly get the upper hand over the greens and this is the approach we should take..... Also possibly taking generations???

    Cheers Chris


    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  14. #134
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: What are your thoughts on the idea of a General Recreational Fishing licence ?

    Chris..why does there need to be a viable option?
    Why not have the current system operating but with actual research for size and bag limits and green zone research.

    There is no need to reinvent the wheel...just grease the bearings.

    Greg...when does any organisation have everyone in agreement? ineffectual that organisation would be without listening to all concerns of its members.

  15. #135

    Re: What are your thoughts on the idea of a General Recreational Fishing licence ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lovey80 View Post

    1) So, if it is decided by those few of you out there that have the balls to actually voice your opinion in writing, that we don't need a licence and (your right) have paid through the nose in taxes already to have the rights to a better fishery....... What can we do to raise the funds needed to take control as the largest (by far) stake holder in this debacle??????

    2) Is even attempting to raise the funds a waste of time and we should just wait and hope to change the polititians in power and let them make the right choices for us.... possibly taking generations?

    3) Is it possible to work with what ever government of the day we have and slowly get the upper hand over the greens and this is the approach we should take..... Also possibly taking generations???

    Cheers Chris
    This will be interesting reading

    Regards Scotto
    Last edited by Scott Mitchell; 08-09-2009 at 06:23 AM.

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