What are your thoughts on the idea of a General Recreational Fishing licence ?
If In Favour I suggest we would model it on the NSW example along the lines of :-
1) ALL money raised goes into two transparent Trust accounts One for Freshwater ( taking over from the current SIPS program This would be kicked off with a minimum of the average funds raised under the current SIPS over the last 3 years as a starting guide for allocation ) Plus a New Saltwater Trust where All remaining fund would be held. No funds can be spent without written approval from the management committees.
2) Administration costs to manage the program would be capped at 10% from License contributions This employs government staff to administer & manage the program.
3) The 1st priority would be to establish a selection of Recreation Fishing havens ( RFH's ) throughout Queensland in Key recreational angling areas IE: Great Sandy Straights where ALL commercial fishing would be brought out of the designated areas with no exceptions.
4) All remaining funds would be managed by a selection of committees consisting of recreational anglers from ALL zones with-in the state IE Freshwater Committee Saltwater Committee & a Head Committee consisting of recreational anglers with expertise with in their areas.
5) What are your thoughts on costs ie:-
3 Days = $6.00
1 Month = $12.00
1 Year = $30.00
3 Years = $75.00
6) More back ground can be viewed @ http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fisheries/recreational/licence-fee
Should be an interesting debate - Scotto