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Thread: Shooters party backs fishers in NSW

  1. #1
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Shooters party backs fishers in NSW

    Thought this might be of interest to some here. There has been talk of the Shooters Party starting up in QLD.


    02 September 2009

    The Shooters Party will move in the Legislative Council today to impose a moratorium on the declaration of any more marine parks in New South Wales for five years.

    The Bill will also include a five year moratorium on expansion of sanctuary zones in any existing marine protected areas.

    Shooters Party MLC Robert Brown, said the recreational fishers of New South Wales are fed up with the Government pushing them out of more and more fishing areas along the coast.

    “Enough is enough, and if the Premier isn’t hearing the backlash from fishers up and down the coast, he has his head too far into the sand.

    “I expect our Bill will be supported by the Coalition, particularly because, up until recently, they had disallowance motions on the Council notice paper.

    “We think that moving a Bill for a moratorium will send a clear message to the Government” he said.

  2. #2

    Re: Shooters party backs fishers in NSW

    Bob Brown is a champion!


    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  3. #3

    Re: Shooters party backs fishers in NSW

    Thats good news.

  4. #4

    Re: Shooters party backs fishers in NSW

    Sounds interesting. If the current marine zones and sanctuary zones do not have their ' review ' dates for another 5 years, what's the point.

    OK, if new zones are proposed, then this may have implications.

    I was also unsure about the role the legislative council played in Government. so :-

    Currently, neither the Government nor the Opposition parties have an outright majority of members in the Legislative Council: There are 19 Government members, 15 Opposition members and eight Cross-bench or independent members. For details see Current Members of the Legislative Council.

    The main role of the Department of the Legislative Council is to support the functioning of the sittings of the House and Committees, and to provide services to members relating to the performance of their parliamentary duties. The principal program areas of the Department are: advisory and procedural services, administrative and support services, and corporate management.

    It appears it is like a Senate.

    This legislative council has state powers, this will be useless in relation to the Coral Sea proposal, as that is Federal.

    Will keep an eye on this.

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

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  5. #5

    Re: Shooters party backs fishers in NSW

    You are correct Phil. The Legislative Assembly is the lower house, and the legislative council the upperhouse......just like the Senate in Federal parliament. Queensland has only one house of parliament, which is why Ms Blight and her predecessors could run riot unchecked.

  6. #6

    Re: Shooters party backs fishers in NSW

    well greg .... that sucks. having said that, I do believe we, in general , are over governed.

    I don't know which system would be better.

    I do know that the federal system works..... mostly. Considering the achievements in the last few years regarding senate decisions on fishing related issues and other things, but sometimes you wonder how an " independent or two " can actually hold the balance of power which could be construed to meaning " running the country ".

    IF there is a better system of government, what is it.

    Now if only Fidel Castro was a fishermen, ??? OH,, did i say that !

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member DR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Re: Shooters party backs fishers in NSW

  8. #8

    Re: Shooters party backs fishers in NSW

    Phill, democracy is the best of a list of really bad list of possible government options.

    Don't get me wrong democracy is the best option we have, the US system sucks, ours is only marginally better.

    Without doubt the best sittuation would be a dictatorship where the ruler had the best interests of the nation at true heart without the need from pressures from these 'special interest groups'. Lets face it the majority of QLD and AUS voters are either morons or easily manipulated based on recent election results.

    Short of that which is almost impossible to achieve, would be our system where pre-election closed door deals were made illegal and punishable by death for all involved if proven...... That way parties could only provide 'preference' votes on publicly announced policies of other parties.

    Just my opinion


    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  9. #9

    Re: Shooters party backs fishers in NSW

    In reponse to the above article former shooters party MLC and founder John Tingle had this to say.........................

    Typical Daily Telegraph - putting their own screwy, self-serving spin on the situation.

    There has never - repeat NEVER - been any "alliance" between the Shooters Party and the Government. There has been a degree of goodwill, and support from us, because, as Robert and Roy have said, we believe a Government should be allowed to exercise its mandate to govern, unless its legislation is bad for our constituents. That' s what's happened here.

    As the founder of the Party, its first Parliamentary representative, and still its Vice Chairman, I always felt that if a party like ours attached itself in any way to either of the major parties it would lose its effectiveness and relevance, and become a lame duck - as the so-called "Better Future for Our Children Did". And where is it today?

    But you can't expect any better than this from the media. Their representatives in Parliament House (I won't call them "reporters") show very little understand of the political or Parliamentary process. The comment about the size of the Shooters Party vote is irrelevant. The vote was enough for us to have two members in the Upper House - whatever the percentage - and that, my friends, is called Democracy.

  10. #10

    Re: Shooters party backs fishers in NSW

    In yesterday's Sydney Morning Herald the LIB Nat coalition said it was unlikely to support the Shooters Party legislation on marine parks.
    Duncan Gay, the Lib/Nat Coalition spokesman on Industry, said.''The Shooters Party legislation is a very late entry into the debate to try and gain the fishing vote,''
    Food for thought.

  11. #11

    Re: Shooters party backs fishers in NSW

    Hi all.

    From what I have read and heard, the Shooters Party is supportive of everything to do with reacreation, ie. fishing, horse riding in national parks, four wheel driving, as well as shooting. Its the party the Greens HATE with every being in their body.

    It would do us all good to support them when they come up for election next term. If the shooters party don't get up next term, or even hopefully get another member up to give them 3 votes, the greens will get another seat and thats all we dont need? The greens want to shut down all fishing, and all state forrests to EVERYTHING recreational. if they get another vote all we will be doing is fighting fires in our forests while the greens look on with glee . . . !



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