Thought this might be of interest to some here. There has been talk of the Shooters Party starting up in QLD.
02 September 2009
The Shooters Party will move in the Legislative Council today to impose a moratorium on the declaration of any more marine parks in New South Wales for five years.
The Bill will also include a five year moratorium on expansion of sanctuary zones in any existing marine protected areas.
Shooters Party MLC Robert Brown, said the recreational fishers of New South Wales are fed up with the Government pushing them out of more and more fishing areas along the coast.
“Enough is enough, and if the Premier isn’t hearing the backlash from fishers up and down the coast, he has his head too far into the sand.
“I expect our Bill will be supported by the Coalition, particularly because, up until recently, they had disallowance motions on the Council notice paper.
“We think that moving a Bill for a moratorium will send a clear message to the Government” he said.