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Monduran 29th/30th
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Thread: Monduran 29th/30th

  1. #1

    Monduran 29th/30th

    Made another trip back to Monduran this weekend after last weekends doughnut trip, that I never posted a report on, and this time we were successful! Chris and I left Brisbane around 530am on Saturday and arrived and were on the water just before midday. The plan was to hit the bays and points of South B that had the northerly blowing on them. The first bay produced nothing and the second bay provided me with a fish, a weeded edge with a couple of stumps and lantana that had a current line smacking right into it at an angle to the bank. So first fish to me, 104cm, bumping up my Pb by 1cm on 60lb leader and a hollowbelly, as well as the first barra on my new S10H and Certate Hyper Custom 4000.

    By now the wind had picked up a bit, so we decided to remain tied up to the tree nearby that we had used to keep us in place while some piccys were taken of the 104. We were casting around this area for a few more minutes then BANG! I'm on again! This time I wasn't so lucky, after a few short runs, this fish was lost after my leader wore through at the knot on my perfection loop (yes it had been retied after the 1st fish) Ah well cant win them all! We hung around here for a while longer for no more action so moved on working our way up the arm.

    Our electric motor had been giving us grief by cutting out and refusing to turn when under power, so with the wind blowing we decided to tie off to trees and cast around likely spots. We fished one bay for a while then had some lunch while tied up still. First cast for me after lunch and I'm on again, only to lose the fish when it managed to throw it mid-surface breach. 10 minutes later, casting back in to the same area, I hook up to a screamer that took the biggest run of the day so far, only for it too to spit the hook Leaving here our electric gave up the ghost, indicating the battery needed recharging even though it was only used for a few hours and was only a couple of weeks old. Which meant we were at the mercy of the 15-20 knot northerly to drift us into spots so we could tie off to a tree. Needless to say we gave up that caper and headed home just after sunset.

    Sunday we headed back to South B and this time the electric wouldn't do anything. So we walked the bank and found a suitable bit of timber with the aim of poling ourselves around the shallow bays. This worked for a while until the northerly came up again, and then changed to a howling westerly, which made it really difficult for us to fish. We persisted until just after midday, then went looking for some shelter from the wind, finding a nice spot on the eastern side of the dam with bait, birds and warm waters of 25 degrees. The only problem was, someone forgot to tell the barra we were coming and only the local Monduran Flathead was home. By 3pm we'd had a gutful of the wind, the dead electric, and the lack of barra so we called it and headed for home.

    The 104cm


    The ocean is the ultimate solution - Frank Zappa

  2. #2

    Re: Monduran 29th/30th

    Mate good report & very nice fish...congrats on ypur new PB.

    Cheers Baz

  3. #3

    Re: Monduran 29th/30th

    The blue poly, reckon I went past you boys, well done on the fish with no leccy!

  4. #4

    Re: Monduran 29th/30th

    Great fish!! shame about the electric though...

  5. #5

    Re: Monduran 29th/30th

    Well done Simon - good fishing ......... & for Those leccys

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member DEANO68's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Monduran 29th/30th

    the leccy may fail but the poly will never give up, good stuff, come on simon, recon you and chris should make an appearance at the muster....
    God put me on earth to accomplish
    a certain number of things,
    right now i am so far behind
    i will never die.

  7. #7

    Re: Monduran 29th/30th

    well done on the fish did any one not go up there in the last 2 weeks beside me lol


  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member Peter4's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Monduran 29th/30th

    You sneaky bugger Simon - doing a teflon trip on the same weekend as Teflon!

    Nice fish though....get the leccie fixed and come back for the muster!!


    Pete & Kyle

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member nipsta's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Monduran 29th/30th

    well done Simon good name and good looking fish got to have success with a name like that and leccys arent they fun

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member Steve B's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Monduran 29th/30th


    great fish mate..and some good photos. Trust me I know your pain when it comes to electric motor problems!!! I got my 2 biggest fish ever with a broken motor.....mmmm mabey I should break it again!!!

    Well done mate. Did the S10H perform to your liking.??Hope so.!!

    cheers Steve

  11. #11

    Re: Monduran 29th/30th

    Well done on the new PB Simon you would be wrapped in that. I think I've got the same bow electric as you and have had it fail once also for no reason. Now carry a spare transom mount electric with me in case. - Richard

  12. #12

    Re: Monduran 29th/30th

    Congrats on your PB Simon. It's awesome to be able to leave in the morning from Brissy and be hauling in barra before sandwich time.
    I'm looking forward to Caleb and I doing the same thing.
    Well done mate
    So shines a good deed in a weary world
    - William S Shakespeare and William S Wonka_

  13. #13

    Re: Monduran 29th/30th

    Well done Simon.

    Leccy problems man when do they stop, mine's in the shop now and i had to line up in the middle of a weekday because there were that many people bringing them back to get fixed up, not cheap ones either. They must be close to being a sub standard industry. And you can't go cheap either as my mate has gone through 7 of the cheaper ones. Not going there. As for foot pedals, well thousands have had to be replaced. I won't list anymore as we could be in for a long read.

    Back To The Fishing

    I like the Barra photo's mate you have to be happy with a trip that doesn't result in a donut as they are easy to get on our impoundments, we have all been there.

    All the best on your next trip and maybe tie up to one of the many trees on Mondy if your leccy gives you guys problems in the future.

    Cheers Lyndon.
    ps I like Steve am interested to see how the S10 and Certate went, sounds like a neat combo.

  14. #14

    Re: Monduran 29th/30th

    Quote Originally Posted by BR65 View Post
    The blue poly, reckon I went past you boys, well done on the fish with no leccy!
    What boat were you in mate?? South B was a busy place on Saturday!

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter4 View Post
    You sneaky bugger Simon - doing a teflon trip on the same weekend as Teflon!

    Nice fish though....get the leccie fixed and come back for the muster!!


    Pete & Kyle
    Teflon???? I think I missed something somewhere along the line Pete! Maybe buried somewhere in the 200+ pages of the Muster thread??

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve B View Post
    Well done mate. Did the S10H perform to your liking.??Hope so.!!

    cheers Steve
    Quote Originally Posted by SeekingBarradise View Post

    Cheers Lyndon.
    ps I like Steve am interested to see how the S10 and Certate went, sounds like a neat combo.
    The S10H and the Certate is a cracker combo, nice and light as well as being well balanced, fits well in the hand and is very easy to cast with all day. It handled the fish extremely well and not once did it feel like I was out of control with it. Bring on the bigger models!! I bought the reel with Krudds cheque and put the rest to it for the rod and line (30lb Nitlon). I'm not that flush with cash and I cant afford to buy gear for each type of fishing I want to do. So I bought this because I was doing an offshore charter and I wanted to use plastics on it. It worked a treat scoring me 4 jewies and several pearlies and snapper in 40 - 50 mts out off Double Island Point. Heres a link to the report thread if anyone wants a read:

    I also wanted to use it to pull up some threadys from the Brisbane River, some decent snapper from the deeper parts of the bay, maybe put the hurt on some longtails if we ever get close enough to the buggers and of course chuck some plastics for barra with it.

    The Muster: I'd love to go along, but as its Chris's poly and towing vehicle, I'm restricted to when he wants to go, but I will put it to him.

    The ocean is the ultimate solution - Frank Zappa

  15. #15

    Re: Monduran 29th/30th

    Nice work there mate. I am similar to you that i cant always but one rod per species so i got the same combo but a 3500.
    Cant go wrong with the certate S10 S10/H combo.
    Mine landed a 30 kilo Cobe unbelievably.
    Cant believe the pulling power of the rod, compared to its lightness at the tip.
    Great read

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