Here is a good one folks that I don't think has been discussed on the forum before.
The Vic government is proposing that only boats over 8m be allowed more than 20 k offshore.
Public consultation is taking place around the state at the moment. You can imagine what is being said at these things especially by all those owners who have spent heaps on bluefin tuna dedicated rigs. They travel over 60k out from Portland in the southern ocean chasing these great fish.
There is some talk of the fishing suddenly moving closer to shore, say 19.999ks out with some pretty long casts managing any extra distance, if the leglislation is introduced.
There may be some cheap rigs coming on the market in Vic soon. 7 meter cats, big Haines and plateys to name a few, all deemed unseaworthy over 20ks from shore. ( can understand that with the cats but the Haines!!!)
Just don't get too excited as we all know the me tooism of the polies. NSWs and QLD would not like to be seen to be doing nothing about this " important safety initiative".