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Thread: Only boats over 8m allowed 20k offshore

  1. #1

    Only boats over 8m allowed 20k offshore

    Here is a good one folks that I don't think has been discussed on the forum before.

    The Vic government is proposing that only boats over 8m be allowed more than 20 k offshore.

    Public consultation is taking place around the state at the moment. You can imagine what is being said at these things especially by all those owners who have spent heaps on bluefin tuna dedicated rigs. They travel over 60k out from Portland in the southern ocean chasing these great fish.

    There is some talk of the fishing suddenly moving closer to shore, say 19.999ks out with some pretty long casts managing any extra distance, if the leglislation is introduced.

    There may be some cheap rigs coming on the market in Vic soon. 7 meter cats, big Haines and plateys to name a few, all deemed unseaworthy over 20ks from shore. ( can understand that with the cats but the Haines!!!)

    Just don't get too excited as we all know the me tooism of the polies. NSWs and QLD would not like to be seen to be doing nothing about this " important safety initiative".
    Last edited by Jarrah Jack; 27-08-2009 at 10:32 AM. Reason: Despondance

  2. #2

    Re: Only boats over 8m allowed 20k offshore

    I think that has been discussed numerous times, but at the moment it has been abandoned by the Gov.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    May 2004
    cooloola cove

    Re: Only boats over 8m allowed 20k offshore

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarrah Jack View Post
    Here is a good one folks that I don't think has been discussed on the forum before.

    The Vic government is proposing that only boats over 8m be allowed more than 20 k offshore.

    Public consultation is taking place around the state at the moment. You can imagine what is being said at these things especially by all those owners who have spent heaps on bluefin tuna dedicated rigs. They travel over 60k out from Portland in the southern ocean chasing these great fish.

    There is some talk of the fishing suddenly moving closer to shore, say 19.999ks out with some pretty long casts managing any extra distance, if the leglislation is introduced.

    There may be some cheap rigs coming on the market in Vic soon. 7 meter cats, big Haines and plateys to name a few, all deemed unseaworthy over 20ks from shore. ( can understand that with the cats but the Haines!!!)

    Just don't get too excited as we all know the me tooism of the polies. NSWs and QLD would not like to be seen to be doing nothing about this " important safety initiative".

  4. #4

    Re: Only boats over 8m allowed 20k offshore

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    I think that has been discussed numerous times, but at the moment it has been abandoned by the Gov.
    From a public information meeting a few weeks ago I was told that the matter is still alive in Victoria although from the reception of the idea the proposal could well have been put on the backburner again.

  5. #5

    Re: Only boats over 8m allowed 20k offshore

    Whoa! I can see the length of my new walk-on bow sprit and tuna board now.....good to go

    Fairdinkum we are at the forefront of a brave new world of sophistication, can we dumb down further? surely we can, it's like a competition you know, after all without taking away how would 2 million keep their jobs, it's not as if they make or do or add anything while in employment, if they cannot take away they and a direct string of those who rely on take away regulations are out of a job.

    cheers fnq

  6. #6

    Re: Only boats over 8m allowed 20k offshore

    LOL "Yes Mr waterways, We stayed in 20km radius"

    What would be the odds of getting pulled up over 20km out????

    I'd sure rather take the chance then have to get rid of my rig!

    LOL if i had one that big And lived in mexico

    .........................'THE FLATHEAD ASSASIN'........................

  7. #7

    Re: Only boats over 8m allowed 20k offshore

    20kms? we go to the reef on a good day in a 16ft tinny from Gladstone, thats alot further than that.
    I say No way
    The Rainbowrunner
    Peter Hansler
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    Give a man a fish, he'll eat it and fall asleep.

    Teach a man to fish and he'll endanger an entire species

  8. #8

    Re: Only boats over 8m allowed 20k offshore

    Quote Originally Posted by Zooter View Post
    LOL "Yes Mr waterways, We stayed in 20km radius"

    What would be the odds of getting pulled up over 20km out????

    I'd sure rather take the chance then have to get rid of my rig!

    LOL if i had one that big And lived in mexico

    exactly my thoughts u very rarely see them out there as it is i dont think most of them would sell there boat just because the law says to alot of people would rather take the risk of getting the fine?
    560c Bar Crusher "Overtime"

  9. #9

    Re: Only boats over 8m allowed 20k offshore

    Quote Originally Posted by Skusto View Post
    exactly my thoughts u very rarely see them out there as it is i dont think most of them would sell there boat just because the law says to alot of people would rather take the risk of getting the fine?
    Look up ,and you will see them .

  10. #10

    Re: Only boats over 8m allowed 20k offshore

    My spearfish 21 from anchor roller to the cav plate on the motor is just over 8mtrs, measured the other if they do ever bring them back in Not that i get the time to go to portland, damn work.

  11. #11

    Re: Only boats over 8m allowed 20k offshore

    Look on the bright side, perfect excuse to upgrade.

    " You wouldn't want me to break the law would you dear."

  12. #12

    Re: Only boats over 8m allowed 20k offshore

    Just keep an eye out for what they sneak in underneath this smokescreen.

    Not all draft legislation is intended to get endorsed.

    Has there been watered down versions offered?

    I would suggest the true agenda is beneath the surface.

    - Darren

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