C'mon folks, membership is building, but sooooo many more are required.
Members are needed all over Qld so we can get active and make a difference.
I've joined up, have you? (I wish I had one of those Uncle Sam posters)
C'mon folks, membership is building, but sooooo many more are required.
Members are needed all over Qld so we can get active and make a difference.
I've joined up, have you? (I wish I had one of those Uncle Sam posters)
Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.
May I suggest you follow up with
.. How to actually join
- how much
- the aims , objectives and activities
- benefits to joining ?
I'd be interetse to read those
Who is ECOFishers Queensland Inc? ECOFishers Queensland are a state-wide incorporated association put together to help recreational fisherman to keep doing what they love doing. In fact, the Executive and members are all recreational fishers and have come together to get a strong voice for the recreational fisherman; the mums & dads out there who enjoy their time on the water are our customers. We have an affiliation with ECOfishers in NSW by name, and we are fighting together to achieve better outcomes for recreational anglers across Australia whilst daily we concentrate on what's affecting Queenslanders and taking away their lifestyles.
We fish and promote a model of sustainability and work closely with governments to achieve sustainable outcomes for the community and the resource. ECOfishers refute the extreme Green anti-fishing “preservation policy” of locking family fishers out and throwing away the key. Nor do we support the exclusion of low-impact family recreational fishing, from government’s so-called “sanctuary zones.” That is simply an emotive term. So-called sanctuary zones “Are not appropriate for the vast majority of recreational targeted species. They are migratory and far too mobile to remain within any sanctuary zones.”They’ve got tails. They swim!
Thankfully ECOFishers are here to help as your lobby group. We are dedicated to ensuring your family fishing way of life is not further eroded by the extremists. ECOfishers representations are based upon sound science and reality, not Green myths. Ecofishers is not a political party nor aligned with any political party. Our alignment is for the rights and responsibilities of recreational fishers. We are totally committed to you and preserving your rights.
ECOfishers needs you, to help us, help you! For if we all continue to do nothing then nothing will change. Politicians don’t understand ecology. They only understand numbers – numbers of fishers who vote! ECOfishers represents you at local, state and federal government levels.
We need you to join ECOfishers, to swell our numbers. You cannot afford NOT to belong. Your rights are at stake. Join now. Click on the link above, print out the form and send it off with your cheque or money order. It’s the best $10 you will ever spend. For when fishers support ECOfishers, fishers win! ECOFishers is a not for profit group that can only do their good work with the help of dedicated volunteers and kind donations from business and those people who love our lifestyle.
Join at
Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.
Hi Tim
You'll be pleased to know that Redlands Boat Club (Cleveland) of which you and I are both members, has now joined Ecofishers Qld.
RBC has 400 ordinary members and nearly 200 social members. We're glad to add our weight and support to Ecofishers.
I've been asked by RBC Commodore Trevor Higgins to be our Club rep for Ecofishers - a post I've gladly accepted.
How about all of you Ausfishers out there who are boating or fishing club members get into contact with your Club Committees and get a vote passed to join Ecofishers.
I recieved Redlands Boat Club's application thanks Grant. I have been tied up with yacht club stuff the last 2 weeks (will be free again come Monday) so please accept my apologies for not responding.
I will have paypal and credit card membership set up soon and we are currently getting a newsletter sorted so we can inform members of the going on's.
It may not be to obvious as to what ECOFishers is doing lately but we are currently getting onto all the advisory committess around the traps and making ourselves known. We have also been providing input to a lot of government groups and are now considered key stakeholders in the eyes of several groups. There is also a lot of other stuff in the pipeline.
So rest assured, your membership is not just pumping money into a group doing nothing. IF you think $10 is a lot then spare a thought for me, I have already racked up over a $1000 this year getting things moving (and I am not the only one).
I have not done the exact sums, but we are now representing around 600+ members in SEQ region itself. IF you want to get involved, then please do. We are looking for people to help out in all areas.
(ECOFishers Queensland Secretary)
This deserves to be bumped up again,
Just joined via paypal. i was going to join months ago when it first started, but got put off with the cheque and money order. but i checked today and paypal was available.
So for those that are lazy like me, and never used cheques, so 80's and can't be bothered waiting in the line at Australia Post for a money order. Then use paypal and join EcoFishersQLD
Do it, i said Do it nowi'll be back, to bump it again
come on people's it's only $10 per year
This will steal some thunder from the AGM presidents report but in the last 6 months we have been:-
* Invited to and are participating in the FRDC Regional Management Project Steering Committee over the next 3 yrs in conjunction with Charter Sectore reps from Marine Qld, QSIA, WWF, QLD Fisheries, GBRMPA and Sunfish for recreational fishing participation
* Invited to sit in on the work group meetings for the Rocky Reef Fin Fish Review and have input into discussions/options/outcomes.
* Invited to and have joined Marine Queensland to work with Charter and Professional fishing operators as well as those involved in manufacturing, marina operators and more to discuss how we can all work together for a sustainable fishery together
* Invited to and participated in the first workshop on Wild Harvest Fisheries held recently by Fisheries also attended by Sunfish, WWF, AMCS, James Cook Uni, Fisheries, Commercial and Charter groups.
* Have been involved in the discussions with Fisheries on the charter permit changes re: Mahi Mahi, AJ's etc
* Was asked to participate in an Environmental Impact Study from a rec fishing perspective on the Port Curtis Project
So maybe a little quiet compared to some, but a very busy time for us as a new group!
Does this answer your question Scott?
Joined, and I look forward to the upcomming meeting.
So you still have to fill in the form and send it in, but can pay via paypal? How do you link the two together?
Hi Feral.
I dont think you have to. You just hit the subscribe button on the join tab.
I did the following:
1. Went to http://www.ecofishersqld.org.au/
2. Clicked the JOIN NOW tab.
3. Scroll to the bottom and click the Subscribe button.
4. Fill in the required details.
The first time I tried I recieved an error when I hit the continue button. I tried again and everything was fine. You will recieve an emial notification confriming the success of teh transaction.
If you are joining as an individual, just use the paypal link. If you have a strange user name, or you dont have your own name in the paypal account then just send an email to secretray @ ecofishersqld . org . au <-- remove the spaces
We need by law your name and address, thats it. I can get that from paypal if you use your real name.
I am currently testing some new forms that will enable us to use paypal for family subscriptions also.
Well done Chris, Andy and Tim,
I feel that Ecofish are making a difference.
Of course there is a lot of work to be done. There's a review of the Great Sandy Straits Marine Park and the RAP in the not to distant future.