did another solo sprinting trip to awoonga on saturday.
arrived at the dam at about 10 pm friday night. got the gear ready and talked to a couple of local charactors. got on the water and anchored up ina comfortable area, rolled out the matress and slept until the sun came out. up anchor and packed the gear up. chose my first area to hit, cast the selected lure, let it drop, play with sounder, bump, strike, your kidding right. a 105 hits the deck first cast of the day. continued down the bank for 2 more catty's. before selecting another area it was time to iron out the bugs on the new sounder. headed back to the ramp and played with the sounder and tranducer till it was reading just right. a few hours past and it was time to get into it again.
chose another area and snuck in there slowly. cast, cast, play with sounder, bump,strike, gudunk, and lure slips straight out of its gob. fix leader and back into it. the rest of that area didn't regester a bump. picked out another location and fished it hard. the water in that area wasn't doing what i thought it was doing, so i was wasting my time in the end.
the wind was getting up so i anchored in another area, tie off rope,check sounder, cast, bump,strike, into the air she goes,another 91 hits the deck.
fished that area a bit longer for no interest. moved location, anchor out, tie off, check sounder, cast, bump,strike, to the air again, they sure know where that rope is, into the net. 101 she went.
a few more casts and it was time to set up for sundown. fished the sundown period for no result. it was time to head home.
in and out of awoonga under the cover of darkness, very,very sneaky.