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Best leader connection
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Thread: Best leader connection

  1. #1

    Unhappy Best leader connection

    Hello all,

    well after losing 2 expensive lures the other day due to failed leader knots, I ask the question what does everyone else use?

    I have tried bimini twist doubles, improved albrights & double uni knot braid to leader connections & have invariably been let down at some point. Have just learnt the surgeons knot (unbelievably simple) but have little trust in any knot after so many failures.

    I always tie them carefully, check that they look neat & test them with a tug and if they break I retie them. My current theory is that they are tied correctly, but are damaged after a few dozen casts through small guides and then just fail. I am mainly referring to light lines with 6 to 10 lb leaders etc.

    So if you have had similar frustrating knot experiences with light lines and have hopefully come up with a solution, I'd love to hear it.



  2. #2

    Re: Best leader connection


    This one sounds like a bit of a strange situation you have there. If the knots are being tied correctly and holding when tested they should work, simple. However if you are noticing some form of damage after casting i would suggest there may be another factor influencing your line and knot damage. This may include things like cracked or chipped guides (however small or insignificant they appear), reel line runner damage or contact with structure whilst retrieving the lure causing fraying of the line.

    Just my thoughts

  3. #3

    Re: Best leader connection

    The best knot ever is FG knot or called GT knot! 0 damage to the leader and braid!

  4. #4

    Re: Best leader connection

    I agree the FG knot is hte go.

    First I plait a double then tie the FG knot from double to leader.

    I have not ad any problems, assuming I tie a good FG knot.

    Casts very well, I have had maybe 100's of casts without problem from a single rig.

    Give it a shot, but be warned this not quick and easy. Best to be done at home before you go out.

    have fun, Eamon

  5. #5

    Re: Best leader connection

    Thanks for those quick replies. Can't say I've heard of the FG knot but any suggestions on where I can learn this one would be appreciated.



  6. #6

    Re: Best leader connection

    Quote Originally Posted by bassfan View Post
    Thanks for those quick replies. Can't say I've heard of the FG knot but any suggestions on where I can learn this one would be appreciated.


    Here u go mate. Happy fishing.

  7. #7

    Re: Best leader connection

    Quote Originally Posted by thephotoguru View Post
    I agree the FG knot is hte go.

    First I plait a double then tie the FG knot from double to leader.

    I have not ad any problems, assuming I tie a good FG knot.

    Casts very well, I have had maybe 100's of casts without problem from a single rig.

    Give it a shot, but be warned this not quick and easy. Best to be done at home before you go out.

    have fun, Eamon
    If I have to tie the knot at home then assume that it was tied well then I think I will stick to my improved albright

    I like the tony jones leader knot and Slim Beaty as well but the Imp albright came out in front for me
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  8. #8

    Re: Best leader connection

    Oh, btw, this knot need some practice before u can have a go. U will find the braid can slip off the leader sometimes if u doesn't tied it properly. but u will surprised by how awesome this kont is at the end.

  9. #9

    Re: Best leader connection

    Quote Originally Posted by Horse View Post
    I like the tony jones leader knot and Slim Beaty as well but the Imp albright came out in front for me
    imp albright is awesome and 0 damage 2. but u got double dia at the connection rather than 1 dia at the FG knot.

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member ffejsmada's Avatar
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    Dec 2006

    Re: Best leader connection

    I reckon this subject comes up once a month!!!

    For me, it's the Slim Beauty all the way. No double, easy to tie, a very slim tapered knot, tapered the right way, and strong.

    I don't know why blokes use doubles any more, (except for wind ons and twisted leaders), they're not needed in braid. Especially light main line and leaders which is what you've asked about.

    Do a search mate, everything you need to know is there.


    ps. never test your knots with a sharp tug. Always test your knot with a gentle tug applying pressure as you go. A quick short tug will break most knots in light line.


  11. #11

    Re: Best leader connection

    Quote Originally Posted by ffejsmada View Post
    I reckon this subject comes up once a month!!!

    For me, it's the Slim Beauty all the way. No double, easy to tie, a very slim tapered knot, tapered the right way, and strong.

    I don't know why blokes use doubles any more, (except for wind ons and twisted leaders), they're not needed in braid. Especially light main line and leaders which is what you've asked about.

    Do a search mate, everything you need to know is there.


    ps. never test your knots with a sharp tug. Always test your knot with a gentle tug applying pressure as you go. A quick short tug will break most knots in light line.

    The slim beauty is a great knot in thinner diameter leaders ....... but IMO crap in barra type leaders where you are forced to run shorter leaders so the knot stays outside the guides.

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
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  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member Angla's Avatar
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    Mar 2005

    Re: Best leader connection

    I normally use 15 metres of monofilament at the end of my braid lines and tie this using a double grinner knot. It is simple and have never had a failure. I only use this on my TLD's which are not used for casting.

    I would also check all your guides for and damage.


  13. #13

    Re: Best leader connection

    Quote Originally Posted by NAGG View Post
    The slim beauty is a great knot in thinner diameter leaders ....... but IMO crap in barra type leaders where you are forced to run shorter leaders so the knot stays outside the guides.

    Interesting, after trying lots of knots, the Slim Beauty is the only knot I use on barra leaders these days. I use it as the knot runs smoothly through the guides. I use 30 or 50 lb braid with 60 or 80 lb leaders. With 80 lb leader, I sometimes (one out of five knots) get slight 'clicking' as the knot comes back in through the guides on the retrieve, but on the cast, it always runs smooth. If it worries me too much there are two remedies - tie the knot again / clip off a bit more tag, or drop a bit of super glue on the knot and roll it around as it dries.

    On the 60 lb leader, there is never a problem.'

    To me, the big advantages of the Slim Beauty are:
    Ease of tying
    Slim, so it runs through the guides
    Very strong
    The leader tag points back up the rod, so if it ever catches on a guide, it will only be on the retreive, never on the cast.

    Not saying it is the best knot - just the best for me that I've found yet. Been in NT Barra fishing since April. Have caught over 100 Barra so far (approx 80% released), including some big ones. No knot failures and one lure lost.

    But I will have a look at the FG knot, the only one mentioned so far that I have not tried.

    Norm C

  14. #14
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Best leader connection

    i use the Braid leader knot, never had a leader snap off at all, and its very easy and quick to do, takes about 1min to do up,

  15. #15

    Re: Best leader connection

    Quote Originally Posted by NormC View Post
    Interesting, after trying lots of knots, the Slim Beauty is the only knot I use on barra leaders these days. I use it as the knot runs smoothly through the guides. I use 30 or 50 lb braid with 60 or 80 lb leaders. With 80 lb leader, I sometimes (one out of five knots) get slight 'clicking' as the knot comes back in through the guides on the retrieve, but on the cast, it always runs smooth. If it worries me too much there are two remedies - tie the knot again / clip off a bit more tag, or drop a bit of super glue on the knot and roll it around as it dries.

    On the 60 lb leader, there is never a problem.'

    To me, the big advantages of the Slim Beauty are:
    Ease of tying
    Slim, so it runs through the guides
    Very strong
    The leader tag points back up the rod, so if it ever catches on a guide, it will only be on the retreive, never on the cast.

    Not saying it is the best knot - just the best for me that I've found yet. Been in NT Barra fishing since April. Have caught over 100 Barra so far (approx 80% released), including some big ones. No knot failures and one lure lost.

    But I will have a look at the FG knot, the only one mentioned so far that I have not tried.

    Norm C
    I'm only using 80lb leader & if rods like loomis's are used that have the smaller guides ....... the SB is basically unfishable.
    Also on 80lb leader ..... you really have to pull up the overhand knot with pliers to keep it small
    I also use a bit of superglue as well

    The SB doesn't seem fail ....... but its problem lies through the guides

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

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