Bayside Bulletion, Tuesday 11/08/09
Section - Public Notices
Loose Quote"
Requsets for Quotations for supply of eviromental consulting services for Fish 'N Creeks Project. EPU-12Q
Redlands City Coucil seeks submissions from interested parties, including consultants, to undertake the Fish'n Creeks project. The intent of this project is to investigate and develop a workable approachfor re-introducting native fish populations at sites in Redlands freshwater creeks, and to organise trails of methods necessary to do this.
Copies of quoation documentation and further infomation about the project can be obtained from
Mick Holland on 38298819 or email ;
The closing dates for submissions is C.O.B. 31 August 2009"
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Will make contact with Mick about the project in the future. This may be a possibility to get Tingalpa Reserve stocked with native fish especially Bass as it is a preditor of tilpa fry.
What I am asking of members here is what fish species do they know in the local freshwater creeks currently. Native and pest fish species, Personally i know of the tialpa numbers in Tinaglpa , Collawinapin and Orminston crks.
For older members and members with older relatives that grew up in this area what species are native to this area? Bass? freshwater jew? sleepy cod? sangled perch? Barramundi in small numbers?
Please post comments, photos or records up here or pm me details. This may a start to getting Tingalpa Reserve stocked with fish and possible access to fisherman. If not it would be nice to be able to fish the smaller local creeks for natives.
thanks matt