Hello fellow Ausfishers,
I'm going to have a crack at catching a Jew in the surf. I've done a couple of searches and got some good info already....
So this will be my approach:
Tailor fillet bait
Snelled 8/0 - 10/0s
30cm 50-60lb trace
Ball sinker to suit conditions
30lb mainline
13'6" Wilson rod with 5500 Daiwa Emcast Plus
Live Chopper Tailor bait
Same rig as above but no sinker
Bottom hook behind the head (so bait faces away from rod)
Am I on the right track as far as the rigs are concerned?
Has anyone used Whiting for bait with any success??
I understand that Sea Mullet are the choice bait but I dont reckon I'd be able to catch one unless they were really thick and I used a jag (which is a no-no...)
Any tips or tricks you'd like to share would be appreciated.