Had a call from fellow ausfish mate magnum 455 friday nite to have a fish at mud saturday morning,meet at whyte island an headed over to mud around 5.30,arrived at our spot x where we stayed kor a few hours only for a few small bream.so moved to another spot were we saw some bait fish being smashed,threw out a slug an first cast wes on to a nice size tailor only for it to spit the lure as we were about to net it.tailor seemed to just disappear,so jom decides to sound around and find some new ground so after half an hour we find a nice ledge,an to our surprise the fishing for the next hour was great with us boating 7 parrot in our knew spot,ran into fellow ausfish mate zeke who had a quite morning,thanks for the outing magnam 455 ,hoping to hit our new spot x this week-end-cheers adrian