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Fishing under attack by animal libbers
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Thread: Fishing under attack by animal libbers

  1. #1
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Nov 2007

    Fishing under attack by animal libbers

    Found this on a shooting site. Many shooters are fishers too.

    JENNY MOXHAM: Stop the pain game
    August 6th, 2009

    I'M sure most Australians would agree that killing whales is barbaric, and
    many go whale watching simply for the thrill of catching a glimpse of one
    these giants of the deep.
    Anglesea surfer Kaine Hazle was ecstatic last Thursday after having had a
    close and personal encounter with a whale at Winkipop and even our
    government demonstrates good will towards these sea creatures by enforcing
    laws that forbid boats, aircraft and people from disturbing them.
    But what about those other creatures of the deep _ fish? Why are there no
    similar feelings of good-will towards them?
    After all, they too are intelligent, good-natured, curious and sensitive
    Dr Culum Brown, a specialist in fish behavior from Macquarie University
    in NSW says: ``Fish are more intelligent than they appear. In many areas,
    such as memory, their cognitive powers match or exceed those of higher
    vertebrates including non-human primates.''
    Perhaps a more pertinent fact is that they feel pain.
    Cambridge University scientist Donald Broom says`` ``The scientific
    literature is quite clear. Anatomically, physiologically and
    biologically, the pain system in fish is virtually the same as in birds
    and mammals.''
    Clearly, if fish can feel pain, angling can no longer be regarded as a
    non-cruel sport.
    One might expect that, armed with this knowledge, our government might
    show a tad more consideration for fish but, the reverse is true.
    The Brumby Government is, in fact, spending $3.2 million of tax-payers'
    money on promoting angling as a ``fun and healthy outdoor activity for the
    entire family''.
    To this end, regular Free Family Fishing events are staged where children
    as young as four are lured into attending workshops. To encourage the
    little ones, there are free give-aways, prizes and rods provided.
    To make sure that as many children as possible experience the ``fun'' of
    impaling and suffocating a fish, many hundreds of large, farm raised fish
    are deposited at the venue on the day.
    The farms from which these fish come are much like the factory farms in
    which broiler chickens, battery hens and pigs are reared. Fish are
    tightly confined in filthy enclosures, and many suffer from parasitic
    infections, diseases, and debilitating injuries.
    They spend their lives constantly bumping against each other and the
    sides of their cage thus, when they are finally taken from these farms
    and released into a lake it must feel like heaven.
    Much the same as when a battery hen is rescued and allowed to walk around
    for the first time in her life.
    How heartless, then, to deliberately deposit these abused and vulnerable
    creatures in a place where a fishing event is to be held. How cruel to
    give them their first taste of freedom at a location where they will be
    cunningly tricked into swallowing a barbed hook then dragged, suffocating,
    from the water.
    Imagine the agony you would experience, swinging from a metal hook that
    was deeply imbedded in the roof of your mouth. Well, it's exactly the
    same for them.
    Professor Bill Runciman of Adelaide University, says fishing constitutes
    the greatest source of confused thinking and inconsistency on earth with
    respect to pain.
    People, he says, get very excited about dolphins but at the same time
    there are fishing competitions at which thousands of people snare fish
    with hooks and allow them to asphyxiate.
    Surely it's time we acknowledged the fact that all the creatures of the
    deep are equally worthy of our compassion and consideration.
    Jenny Moxham is an animal activist.

  2. #2

    Re: Fishing under attack by animal libbers

    Why not i say, lets save all the cattle and the sheep and the pigs and the chickens and everything else and live off fresh air and images of beautiful little creatures frollicking and care free!! Get real you green bastards, Its been goin on since the beginning of time! These are the sort of people that were deprived of basic human instinct not being taken fishing when they were kids and now just want to wreck it for people like us.



  3. #3

    Re: Fishing under attack by animal libbers

    If those fish werent going to be caught where they are released they wouldnt be released at all, thats why they were bred in the first place.

  4. #4

    Re: Fishing under attack by animal libbers

    Jenny moxham should have been smothered at birth!!!!!!

    What a waste of oxygen it is having her on this planet!


    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: Fishing under attack by animal libbers

    a bit about Jenny Moxham:

    just another one trying to shove their ideas down everyone elses throat.

    ironic thing is: she says she is a christian...didn't the big fella feed the masses on loaves and fishes if my memory serves me correctly.

    weren't some of his disciples fishermen?

    bugger...the bloke she looks up to had no problem with fish or fishermen.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Premium Member TimiBoy's Avatar
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    Re: Fishing under attack by animal libbers

    I love the way these folks portray Nature as a system where animals are frolicking about having a wonderful time, where Man is an alien, and not part of the system.

    The reality is far different. It is a place of quick, violent death, where the mantra is kill or be killed. You breed almost instantly, because if you don't you will likely be ripped to bits before you pass on your genes. It is the ULTIMATE competition, where if you do not do everything better than the other side, you get wiped out.

    An then, as if Nature wasn't cruel enough, "she" chucks in meteors, landslides, cyclones, floods, volcanoes, climate changes of various sorts, and so on, and on, and on...

    Fools like this chick would have us patting our animal friends on the head as we walk by chewing on a tofu dog, all the while they are trying to figure a way of evolving to a point where they can eat us. Meanwhile we have to mow down half the forests to grow enough bloody tofu for everyone, and mow down the other half to grow bio diesel to fuel the trucks that bring it to the shop for her.

    Vegetarianism is fine, I have no problem with it. But keep it to yourself please.

    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  7. #7

    Re: Fishing under attack by animal libbers

    Quote Originally Posted by PinHead View Post
    a bit about Jenny Moxham:

    just another one trying to shove their ideas down everyone elses throat.

    ironic thing is: she says she is a christian...didn't the big fella feed the masses on loaves and fishes if my memory serves me correctly.

    weren't some of his disciples fishermen?

    bugger...the bloke she looks up to had no problem with fish or fishermen.
    So did you send her an email asking THE question about Him??
    Ask her about all the animals in the manger as well while your at it. They weren't there for the scenery I fear
    I intend on living far so good

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member bennykenny's Avatar
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    Re: Fishing under attack by animal libbers

    Quote Originally Posted by TimiBoy View Post
    Fools like this chick would have us patting our animal friends on the head as we walk by chewing on a tofu dog, Tim
    Tim, i think she would even against the use of DOG in the tofu dog you refer to, might sound like your eating a dog stuffed with tofu, then again it maybe the only way to make tofu taste good. cheers

    ...of all the liars among mankind, the fisherman is the most trustworthy. ~William Sherwood Fox.

  9. #9

    Re: Fishing under attack by animal libbers

    I thought it was all part of the food chain little fish eat plants plankton bigger fish eats small fish larger fish eats bigger fish and with any luck we eat the larger fish next we won't be able to harvest plants as they might be hurt and have feelings


  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member DR's Avatar
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    Re: Fishing under attack by animal libbers

    If God did not intend us to eat fish & animals...why did he make them taste so good????

    Has anyone heard of a comp that "many hundreds of large, farm raised fish
    are deposited at the venue on the day".??
    or is it just I don't take much notice of what happens at comps...

  11. #11

    Re: Fishing under attack by animal libbers

    Quote Originally Posted by robersl View Post
    I thought it was all part of the food chain little fish eat plants plankton bigger fish eats small fish larger fish eats bigger fish and with any luck we eat the larger fish next we won't be able to harvest plants as they might be hurt and have feelings

    They do have feelings too you know!!!
    No wonder karma gets me after I get the whipper snipper and mower out
    I intend on living far so good

  12. #12

    Re: Fishing under attack by animal libbers

    I can just imagine the "letters to the editor" in the next Advertiser.......with so many beautiful fishing spots around the Bellarine, comments like hers are designed to cause a stir, something she would be well aware of. Anyway, she's had her say, her 3 mins and hopefully she is never heard from again.
    I wonder if she takes Omega3 tablets????

  13. #13
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: Fishing under attack by animal libbers

    Chuck her in a tank with a starving tiger shark and see how cute she thinks the bloody thing is then !!!
    quote of the day ( guns don`t kill people fathers with pretty daughters do ) !!:wink:

  14. #14

    Re: Fishing under attack by animal libbers

    I wanna live on her planet, it sounds wonderful.
    Jesus himself was a carpenter who worked with real wood, I wonder how she feels about that as well as him hanging out with a bunch of fisho's. I'm sure when she finally meets her maker he'll give her a clip behind the ear for being a total goose.
    So shines a good deed in a weary world
    - William S Shakespeare and William S Wonka_

  15. #15

    Re: Fishing under attack by animal libbers

    Quote Originally Posted by Lovey80 View Post
    Jenny moxham should have been smothered at birth!!!!!!

    What a waste of oxygen it is having her on this planet!


    Possibly a fairly unhelpful comment there Chris, plays into her hands; don't you think.
    However Jenny herself would do well to look up the word 'Anthropomorphic" and reconsider the language used in her article.



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