Headed out on "Alexander" yesterday morning from Mooloolaba with 4 on board including the skipper Pepi, his brother Sasho, me and Rob the braid fanatic. Slightly choppy conditions early reduced the cruising out speed to
33 knots. Headed out wide to a mark in 100 metres which the skipper was keen to try.
One short drift over the mark produced 3 good sized parrot so we dropped anchour. Wind and current made it difficult to fish as lines went towards the bow instead of straight out the back. Hung on this mark for 3 hours for only 4 snapper and 6 parrot. The fish were not biting and we found out why when a monster tiger shark about 12 foot followed up a snapper and then began circling the boat.
The buggar would not leave despite being hooked twice so we had to move back in to one of our productive marks in 70 metres.
Fishing was slow at first but around 3pm the bite picked up and we ended up with a good feed of snapper, a good pearlie and a lot of big tuskies.
Three of us used 40 lb mono and Rob was using braid with 5 metres of flurocarbon leader. The braid only caught 3 fish and we kept telling Rob to switch to mono as the fish were not biting properly.
When the bite is like this you can feel the bites better on braid but the fish can also feel you on the other end. Mono = 36 fish Braid = 3 fish.
We headed back to Mooloolaba in near calm conditions cruising at
50 knots with me resting in my bean bag at the back of the boat.
We gave Rob an equal share of the catch in exchange for a promise to use mono on his next trip,
A few pics are attached.