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Thread: Lake Monduran or Lake Awoonga

  1. #1

    Lake Monduran or Lake Awoonga

    Hi, I am going to be travelling up north to do some fresh water fishing in 2 weeks time. Was wondering which lake I should go to??

  2. #2

    Re: Lake Monduran or Lake Awoonga

    i think about 20 blokes will write this after me ......
    BOTH !!

  3. #3

    Re: Lake Monduran or Lake Awoonga

    yes its only a couple of hours betweenthem so you might as well experience both they are completley different dams so you will enjoy them and they have been producing a few great fish over the last couple of weeks .cheers AL

  4. #4

    Re: Lake Monduran or Lake Awoonga

    Thanks for the replies, I probably should of gone into more depth !

    Myself and the missus are first timers heading north of Somerset / Borumba and first timers chasing Barra

    (have read up endlesly on everything from rod's to braid to lures HB's & SP's as well as the need to approach as stealthly as possible, along with quite a few good posts on this site on both dams)

    As its the first venture up there, would either dam be more forgiving to a Barra Noob or would they both be pretty level pegging ?

    Any thoughts would greatly be apreciated

  5. #5

    Re: Lake Monduran or Lake Awoonga

    I Have never fished Awoonga, but i hear it can get pretty rough at times there there is always a place out of the wind at mondy, the camp ground at monduren is great has 2 camp Kitchens TV (key at the office) great showers and toilets a cement ramp and a couple of dirt ramps shop and ice 10 minutes run into gin gin if required i have fished this dam 5 times since january and the boat has only had 1 donut in that time fishing is hard but if you read back through the posts you will pick up ideas and you can get a map in gin gin at foxies barra havoc for about $11 dollars and he will steer you in the right direction tell him you are an ausfisher


  6. #6

    Re: Lake Monduran or Lake Awoonga

    if casting accuracy is a problem then awoonga is more forgiving with most of the fishing being to open weed beds with very few trees. Monduran has weed beds too but there are a lot more trees to contend with. Both fishing as hard as each other at present. Monduran is more sheltered if it is windy, so my choice would depend on casting level and weather. hope this helps, scott.

  7. #7

    Re: Lake Monduran or Lake Awoonga

    Thanks Shane,

    Looks like we will sneak up to Monduran and have a crack, calling past foxies for some local info as well !

    Cant wait

  8. #8

    Re: Lake Monduran or Lake Awoonga

    The weather conditions can play its part in making a decision - Depending on your boat size
    Awoonga is a big open basin that can blow up pretty nasty ...... So any boat under 4M can be a bit iffy.

    Scotts' (Vet) comments are valid too ....... specially at this time of year where at Mondy you are more likely to find the fish in the tiger country (heavy timber) ......

    All the best for the trip

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

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