Hi guys,
After moving to Cooktown a few months ago, the time has come where I am looking for new target species. With the up and coming Billfish season rapidly nearing for this neck of the woods, I have decided to set a goal for myself to catch a Marlin and Sailfish.
These are two species that I have never targeted before and hopefully this year will be my time
I am asking for advice and any tips or techniques that you may like to share. With the focus on catching a 'Grander' Black Marlin, the local Sailfish and small Blacks go relatively untargeted.
Any prior knowledge of what depths, water temps, lure spread, baits, currents & conditions would be greatly appreciated.
Obviously, finding bait on the sounder is a good start but how can one distinguish the difference between say a school of Fusilier’s and a school of Yellowtails or slimies?????
I have read as much as I can about catching smaller Billfish but still have a long long way to go.