Me n a mate decided to go for a morning fish in around the local islands as the forecast was 15-20 from the west! As it turned out it wasn't more than 5 knots so we decided to head out abit wider,there wasn't much on the chew so we went a bit further to a new mark i found on a previous trip. We anchored on the mark with a nice showing on the sounder and started to pull a few fish which included some nice hussar,parrot and grassies.Things went quiet so we decided to wait b4 heading n ended up getting busted of afew times then pulled a 25kg cod(released to big to bring in the boat),then busted again,then pulled a nice red all the while the wind picked up to 20knots,so we chose that we better head b4 it keeps gettin worse,it would av been great to stay cause the fish were just comin on the chew . Had a great day and a few fresh fillets, doesn't get much better!