Why use braid than mono,What is the advantage
To put it simply... braid is up to 4 times thinner, so you can cast further......it has very little stretch so you can feel more of what is going on..... so they say.
it cuts thru on rocks and sharp it of fish and you need to learn a whole bunch of new knots.
Its the details, those little details, that make the difference.
There are many advantages when using braid over mono. The main one is that braid is a lot thinner in diameter than mono which allows the angler to spool their reel with a lot more line than usual.
Braid also offers 0% stretch which is needed in various forms of fishing. For example, when pulling a Jack out of its snag you need that no stretch line, without that 0% stretch you could end up losing the fish and we all know what that feels like.
Another advantage is that braid breaks way above its rated breaking strain, sometimes even 50% higher. For example, 4LB may break around 6 - 8LB depending on the brand.
Thanks Tom
Braid costs more is more of a mess around to use with more complex knots braid still requires the use of mono to wind braid onto the spool and as a shock leader, fish are generally at your feet you dont motor to a reef and then anchor 150m away so the catsing distance argument is moot in most fishing scenarios except perhaps beach or other situations where you are casting to your maximum range. Sensitivity do you strike when the fish nibbles or picks up the bait so sensitivity is kind of overated too and if I can feel 15cm bream nibbling in 4 ft swell with a 6 ball on how much sensitivity do you need.
The only sensible applications are in reallity deep water fishing or a situation where line capacity becomes important and in 30 yrs of fishing I havent been spooled often and who is to the say the extra line would have stopped those fish.
Braid is successful because people like spending money its the same logic people use to spend $500-$1000 on a reel to catch bream.
In another words I dont know why people choose braid over mono other than good marketting and too much money.And of course it is everyones choice to do this
Braid is thinner and has less stretch for a given breaking strain than mono. As a result you have a more direct feel. This is for a variety of different reasons. There is less resistance in the water so you don’t end up with a great big belly in your line. There is little to no stretch, so that when you have any amount of line out there is no rubber band effect. Thus creating a sharper response to any bites. This also means that when you pull on a fish it comes your way (jack fishing).The thinner diameter allows longer casts, therefore allowing you to have your lure in the strike-zone longer or cast baits to places you couldn’t normally reach. Greater reel capacity means you can fit more line onto a reel.
It’s not the be-all and end-all though. It has terrible abrasion resistance and is slippery so your knots have to be up to scratch. But with a little bit of care and using it in the right scenarios it can make a huge difference to your fishing. In 100m of water you can feel tentative bites a lot better. Trying to stop a jack from getting back into a snag or a bream from going under an oyster rack it can be a godsend. However if they get there you may end up shaking your head as the line breaks like cotton. Tie a shock leader or mono about 1.5 rod lengths and you’ll enjoy the benefits it has to offer. I’ve stopped using doubles mostly and use a double uni knot to connect mono to braid. 5 turns in the mono and 10 turns in the braid. The knot isn’t too bulky when casting and is well and truly strong enough if you set your drag right. It takes a lot to break it.
Something that hasnt been mentioned is that the finer diametre of braid allows you use a lighter lure ( or sinker for bait fishing ) for a given braking strain. I think that alone makes braid the first choice for a lot of lure chuckers not just the distance gained. Lighter more natural presentations result in more fish. Another point, i havent used mono as a backing for ages and havent had a problem. Just use a few wraps of leccy tape before spooling. As for knots if you cant tie a palomar or double uni knot something is wrong, very easy to do even for the inexperienced.