cheers gary ,i just hope the marlin like it.
i fitted the rod holders today .one of the problems i encountered in pre fit up was the side coamings wernt wide enough to fit the large 37kg heavy duty rod holders ,originally i made spacers out of starboard but it just didnt look rite,so the 20mm teak inlay on the coamings fixed the problem and gave me plenty of flat surface for the rod holders to mount to.i have to admit i was a little nervous drilling into a 4 thousand dollar piece of wood,anyway 6 hours later 6 rod holders fitted ,through bolted with 1/4 ss bolts and nyloc nuts and large od washers.
because the teak is 20mm and the edencraft deck is 15mm thick,i had to drill a 2,1/8 hole and then chanfer the angle with a die grinder to get holder clearence,the two rear rod holders face straight back and the foward two are 90 degrees to the boat,george from reelax gave me the tip on there placement ,if you mount them on a 45 degree angle when a marlin strikes it pulles the line off the tip rollers and the line breaks,so at 90 degree it lays the rod over but keeps it facing aft and the line over the roller.[something i didnt know].the rear four are spaced as far apart as possible to help with line clearance.
i sealed them with silacone ,as they will need to be removed periodiacally for maintenance,instead of sika.
i had drain tubes welded on the rear 4 so i can fit pvc tubes to them and drain them into the bilge instead of water draining on the 6 pumps and electrics mounted under neath them.
another pic of my gaff rack ,i had the side pocket deleted on the build of the boat ,i wanted the cockpit clean and uncluttered .also allows for the chair to swing all the way around.
takes a lot of time and thought to do the simple things sometimes![]()