Since coming back from Fraser Island with an esky full of Tailor in early June I have been chasing the little buggers on the Gold Coast ever since. Thursday I left work early as I got that urge you get when you just have to drop everything and go fishing.
Thursday Arvo
Got to Narrowneck at 5:30pm, cast some pillies for 1 1/2 hours, nothing!
Friday Morning
Got to Narrowneck at 5:30am, cast some pillies, fed Bream their breakfast for 30mins. Change to a bream rig and cast Mullet fillet. Wack, sinker didn't even hit the bottom and hooked up a beauti of a Bream but that was it for the next hour or so.
Saturday Morning
Set off at 5:00 from the Seaway on my Jetski to the first reef 2nm from the Seaway. Floatlined some pillies for an hour, nothing! Took off to Mermaid Reef, bit rough on the way over, float lined some pillies again but nothing!! Feeling hungry I went to grab a sanger from the esky I strapped on the back, Nooooooo, lost the esky, my lunch, drinks and worst of all - my Bait!!! What can you do, start trolling the beach for Tailor in the gutters. Using the trusty Halco Twisty 70g, I got my first hook up within minutes. Got him right next to me, leant over and grabbed the landing net, accidentally lifted the head out of the water and he spat the hook. Can my day get any better? Minutes later I was approached by a Surf Life saver on a jetski and was reminded of the 400mtr from the beach rule for powered vessels between the Spit and Collangatta. Time to go home then I guess.
By the way, if any one found a green esky with a VB logo on it somewhere off the Gold Coast with a Roast Beef & Pickle Sandwich, Egg & Lettuce Sandwich, Nut Bar, Bottle of Coke, Bottle of Water & 1Kg of Pillies, PM me as I would like to get the esky back if possible.
Get home and tell the treasurer about my morning. Talk her in to a trip down to Hastings Point NSW to get on the hunt for Tailor.
The rocks were pretty hairy so went straight to the beach. Spinning & pillies for an hour, not a touch! Down to the creek for some Bream or Flathead. The Mrs hooks up a prize Bream and the only fish for the day.
By this stage I'm a little frustrated so I inform the treasurer that I will be going first thing in the morning for a quick session. She reminds me that we need to be in Brisbane by 10:00am for a family brunch.
Sunday Morning
Went to the spit at 4:30am only to discover its all blocked off for the GC Marathon. Head to the Broadbeach surf club across the road from the Oasis centre. Second cast of a pillie and wack, nice little chopper.
The sun is starting to come up so i start spinning with Halco Twisy's. Wack, its ON.
From 5:30am to 8:0am I hooked up 12 choppers. 2 Bite Off's and 2 dropped, kept 8.
4 for the dinner table and 4 to troll for Spanish Macks with.
My frustrations have been eliminated, I'm feeling like... well, I don't need to explain, you all know what I'm talking about.
All right, its 8:00am, call the wife and inform of my awesome morning session and let her know I will be home by 8:30 so we can leave by 9:00am. Get to the carpark and pack up all the gear, go to leave the carpark only to be confronted by a sign saying ROAD CLOSED. Youre got to be kidding! The Police inform me that I won't be able to leave until the last runner goes past which will be about 11:00am.
So I call the wife and explain whats happened only to be told...
1. I don't believe you, you just want to keep fishing
2. The one day we had planned together you just had to go fishing didn't you!
3. Stick the Tailor up your %$@!# *#%
and then she hung up.
So I went fishing again.
I'm home now, shes not here...., but check out my catch - the biggest is 45cm