Hows it going guys
This probably wont apply to most however it has been announced that come Oct all persons fishing from a boat will require to have a licence.
WA has charged anglers to fish the fresh for yrs but they have now gone one step further and will be charging an annual fee of $30 for the pleasure.
Just one more thing the Gov charges you on, so far I have been slugged to the hilt when i got here i had to pay $55 to have my HIN verified just to have the boat registered here then i had to pay the rego $110 for the yr plus another $33 to have my boat licence swapped over and i still havent dared to swap the car and trailer rego over yet. Sorry bout the rant
Anyways I just thought Id give you guys a heads up just incase anyone decides to come over for a fish.
From what i have read in the above link and other info on the matter Charter boats are not exempt so if you wish to go out on a charter you will have to get the licence prior and have it checked prior to stepping onboard the vessel.
Where will it end????