Oh you doubting thomas 's !!!
With regards to Kenetic energy, here's the senario. You drive off at speed , the anchor wont budge, so you increase the power and the back of the boat starts to go under!!! Now unless your a total moron you cut the power right, you dont just keep the power on till the boat completely goes under do you seatime?
Now you have cut the power , are you safe?? No way your stuffed !! You have streched all that nice silver rope and stored a lot of kinetic( elastic potential energy as you put it) in the process, as soon as the power stops the boat springs back and under very quickly sinking your boat! If there was no kinetic energy involved seatime, as soon as you cut the power you would pop right back to the surface if not to much water entered the boat but this doesn't happen does it? The only way you could save the situation is as soon as you noticed the boats stern going under, CUT THE ROPE, but you would have to be very very quick
. That is the only ay you could release the elastic potential energy
stored in the rope!
Could you tell me seatime, how this doesn't happen?????????????????????