Originally Posted by
goat boy
with some discussion recently on illegal activity occuring and whether or not to report it, I thought I would relay something I saw today. While at work, a colleague mentioned to me he thought it was illegal to throw castnets around in NSW, I replied it was so my colleague invited me outside to see something.
There out in broad daylight was a couple of guys in an old boat casting a large net through some shallow weedbeds that I know to be home to all sorts of juvenile fish. Everything from each haul was promptly thrown in buckets. There was no rego on the boat that I could see so I made a phone call to DPI Tweed. Whilst informing them of the activity the boat motored to the other side of the river, beached itself on some sand where another bloke appeared and looked like all offending material was off loaded to the land based guy. Boat then took off.
All this was reported to DPI who at least seemed very interested in what was happening, the area and rego etc.
I then had to pop out for some errands but on return I was told that a vehicle had turned up to where the offloading had happened and a few guys in uniforms of some sort got out, walked around having a look and then left. I hope this was DPI as it would be great to see action happening so quickly. Either way I did the right thing and I urge all others who want their fishing to be sustainable in years to come to do likewise in similar situations