Same thing happens up here mate on Palm Cove Jetty,
A big family group (about 15) of Maori or Solomon islanders were keeping everything that came ashore including undersized Bream, Barra, Flathead and small Grassy Emperor.
When I approached them I was promptly told to ”fu%k off Bro, we don't waste any off off dem, dey all get eatin".
Not much I can do to a tribe of 120kgs blokes (and women lol) when fishing by myself but an increased presence from Fisheries would help.
There are also a couple of Thai blokes that sit under the Jetty catching Yakka's and Yellowtail. They use a dough & tuna oil mix and they honestly catch a 75 litre plastic rubbish bin full of them for eating.
Just because they have out fished Thailand out they think that the same applies here and once questioned you get the same grunts along the lines of "I don't understand ....."