Went for a quick trip yesterday, had the boat getting a warrantly claim getting done and picked it up at 8 am. Was on the water by 9.30 and decided to head to the sevens, forecast was 10-15 with swell 4 feet at 4 seconds(we thought the 4 seconds must have been an error).
Headed out on a pretty flat bay then headed out through a pretty flat bar, and a slower then normal trip out to the sevens. First drop, on the retrieve got smashed, thought it was another bloody mack tuna until started getting a few decent head shakes. Just saw colour and then a huge shark decided it was an easy feed. After quickly checking my pants, as I was leaning over the boat to see the fish when the shark hit it we had a green job fish head in the boat which would have easily been a couple of kilos. Spewing as it would have been a really good joby. Next drop same thing nothing near the bottom, hit on the retrieve again but this time it was a bloody mack tuna but boated him.
Had a couple more drifts for nothing so I thought I would give the big popping combo a go. On the second cast, on my retrieve I saw a shark that would have easily been 8 foot tailing the popper so I wound it as fast as I could and got the popper back in the boat. Then as all idiots would do that just enjoy testing their gear I gave it another cast, thinking it would be cool to hook it but not so fun the fight that would follow.
The very next cast out launched this shark smashing my popper, I quickly got into the "I am about to feel a lot of pain position" and he bit me off. Awesome strike but $50 popper good bye, but next second up she pops and we drive over and pick her up (with the net of course).
By now the wind was really starting to pick up and the swell was actually 4 seconds apart (shit) so we decided to head over to the group and point lookout but it was just blowing straight down the beach. We decided to head home, was much longer then normal, it was like doing a bar crossing the whole way back to the bar with the swell so close together.
The bar was flat as and so was the rest of the trip through the bay except the bermuda triangle between peel and cleveland point which some how no matter what the conditions are is always shittier then any where else in the bay.
Still good to be out in the boat, would have been good to get the whole jobby. But will always remember 4 second swell and wind that probably got up to 25 knots is pretty shit.