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Berkley Gulp Leaking
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Thread: Berkley Gulp Leaking

  1. #1

    Berkley Gulp Leaking

    Hi guys,

    I have been using Berkley Gulp soft plastics for about a year now and have found that the bags in which the come in leak. Everytime I seal a pack I double check it so that I know or think that it is not going to leak.......... But it does!

    Just wondering who else has had this problem and how you have fixed it if that is the case?

    Thanks Tom

  2. #2
    Ausfish Bronze Member richos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Berkley Gulp Leaking

    yeah the few packets i have purchased have leaked, and man that crap stinks.
    Solved the problem by not buying gulps

  3. #3

    Re: Berkley Gulp Leaking

    I personally wont buy them because they leak they smell they get chewed up easily and there closer to bait than plastics (in my opinion anyway) But if you must Plano makes a range of pressure sealed containers that you can store them in which will solve the leaking problem.


  4. #4

    Re: Berkley Gulp Leaking

    I love my Gulp Sandworms and Shrimp so I won't stop buying them because of just the one reason. I am going to try and keep them in sandwich bags and see how that turns out.

    I agree with you Plastic, they are closer to a bait than a plastic but they are legal in most competitions and they catch fish. I will look into the Plano containers and tell you how I go.

    Thanks for all the quick replies,


  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: Berkley Gulp Leaking

    I've tried gulp heaps and havn't caught a thing, even when I've been pulling in a fish on bait every cast... Are you sure they work?

  6. #6

    Re: Berkley Gulp Leaking

    Quote Originally Posted by Chamelion View Post
    I've tried gulp heaps and havn't caught a thing, even when I've been pulling in a fish on bait every cast... Are you sure they work?
    Yeah man, not as good as Squidgies but they work! . I'd rather be flicking a Gulp than a bait to be honest

    Thanks Tom

  7. #7

    Re: Berkley Gulp Leaking

    A. Stop buying gulp

    B. If you must buy a tub of gulp, and put all your gulp in a sealable container along with the liquid that the tub of gulp contains. this keeps them refreshed and sealable and the gulp won't leak unless you treat the container like shit and it cracks or the lid somehow comes off due to poor handling.

    Breaming is my LIFE!!!

  8. #8

    Re: Berkley Gulp Leaking

    Get an air tight see through container with a screw lid - got mine from K**** for $ a tub of gulp alive $20 from A**** and fill the air tight container with the juice from the tub.....put all your packet gulps in it.......if you use Gulps frequently this is the way to go.....
    I acknowledge that I got this idea from Mark aka BenDover...

  9. #9

    Re: Berkley Gulp Leaking

    Thanks ReddyBayFisher, I will have to have a look at that.

    Cheers Tom

  10. #10

    Re: Berkley Gulp Leaking

    The gulp packets are not being manufactured acurately and when opening them with the precut on the side they are not allowing the seal to open properly forcing you to force the packet open and therefore damaging the seal in the process. I continue to buy them because they work well providing you match them with what ever fish you are targeting are eating at that time. I now use mini sandwich bags which keep them well sealed and take up less room in the tackle box.

  11. #11

    Re: Berkley Gulp Leaking

    eeeewwwww ya don't want to get smelly going fishing

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: Berkley Gulp Leaking

    Quote Originally Posted by tailorboi99 View Post
    Yeah man, not as good as Squidgies but they work! . I'd rather be flicking a Gulp than a bait to be honest

    Thanks Tom
    Gee, I might have to get you to show me how on earth to catch a fish on plastics then. I've tried for hours and hours with plastics and never caught a thing.

  13. #13

    Re: Berkley Gulp Leaking

    Quote Originally Posted by Chamelion View Post
    Gee, I might have to get you to show me how on earth to catch a fish on plastics then. I've tried for hours and hours with plastics and never caught a thing.
    I aint the best but wouldn't mind a session. Next time I am coming your way I'll shoot you a PM and if you coming down to Brissy and want to join for a fish just give me a PM.

    Thanks Tom

  14. #14

    Re: Berkley Gulp Leaking

    Tailorboii. dont dismiss bait mate. In terms of your gulp worms. id say that real worms would be much better. because they are real, and will certainly stand out in the water.

  15. #15

    Re: Berkley Gulp Leaking

    Quote Originally Posted by rockfisho View Post
    Tailorboii. dont dismiss bait mate. In terms of your gulp worms. id say that real worms would be much better. because they are real, and will certainly stand out in the water.
    I agree with you, only thing is that I get a bit irritated when using bait nowadays. Always like to have a plastic in my hand, but I agree, you can't beat the real fresh stuff!

    Thanks Tom

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