have been promissing the youngfella since his b'day in april a trip offshore....i told him he had to b 10 to go offshor fishing....anyway we went out off the goldy to the 24's hoping to get anything really but really hopin he got a fish to keep him keen...we got out there in no time bugger all swell...had a few drifts for a couple of undersized squire then on the 3rd drift the son goes im on dad..anyway he was crankin away strugglin to hold the rod so i give him a hand by holdin the rod halfway up it while he was windin it up....turns out to be a keeper 35 cm tuskie...he was wraped....not long after the clouds started rolling in ...we had another drift for a couple of more throw backs then headed in...got half way back when the storm front hit with 35-40 knot wind gusts...was a good day out still with the young fella blooded...
cheers rosco